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Mirana takes her keys out of the ignition before getting out of the car

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Mirana takes her keys out of the ignition before getting out of the car. She avoids looking at Tim who is leaning against his new truck, watching her with sad eyes. Mirana quickly enters the code for the door leading into the station before hurrying down the stairs, heading straight for Sergeant Grey's office.

"Cabrera, how can I help you?" Grey asks.

"I would like to keep Officer Lawrence as my T.O.," Mirana says. "To keep learning another perspective on policing"

"As your Watch Commander, I say yes," Sergeant Grey says. "As a friendly ear, are you and Tim okay? It's been over a week since you last rode with him"

"Having a baby and working is just a lot for both of us," Mirana says and Grey nods.

"Well Luna and I are hosting a barbeque soon, she's dying to see Isaac again," Grey says and Mirana smiles.

"Thanks," Mirana nods before leaving the office.

Across the bullpen, she spots Tim who has a frown on his face, his arms crossed over his chest. Mirana shakes her head at him before walking into the women's locker room to be greeted by Lucy.

"Why am I still being paired with your fiancee?" Lucy asks.

"Because I need a different view on policing," Mirana says.

"I call bullshit," Lucy scoffs.

"We had a fight," Mirana says. "A big one and right now, if we ride together neither of us is going to be in the right headspace to do our jobs"

"You're still getting married right?" Lucy asks. "Because I have so many ideas for your wedding"

"I think so," Mirana says, pulling on her white t-shirt before buttoning up her uniform shirt.

"How can you think you're getting married?" Lucy asks.

"It's complicado," Mirana says, clipping her utility belt to her waist.

"Wine and crappy movies at my place?" Lucy asks.

"That'd go down well with Tim," Mirana mutters with an eye roll. "I'll let you know in a bit"

"Alright," Lucy nods. "I can annoy him all day if you want"

"Please do," Mirana says, closing her locker.

"Good luck with Ryan," Lucy says.

"Oh, he hasn't given me any grief, I threatened to revoke his godfather status and give it to Nolan,"

"Tim would have a stroke,"



Mirana sips on her coffee, leaning back in the chair as Lawrence glances at her, chewing on his burrito.

"You okay?"

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