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Mirana and Angela make their way up the stairs after being informed that the Captain wants to see them

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Mirana and Angela make their way up the stairs after being informed that the Captain wants to see them.

"Lopez, Cabrera," The Captain meets them halfway.

"You wanted to see us?" Angela asks.

"The quinceañera felon you picked up yesterday, Nestor Garcia? He's requested to speak with you both,"

"Why?" Mirana asks.

"A.D.A. thinks it's connected to a plea deal he's trying to cut. She's bringing him in from the courthouse now. You let me know how it goes,"

"Yes, ma'am," Angela and Mirana nod.

Mirana pushes open the door to the interrogation room and Angela follows her in. They both sit on the opposite side of the table to Nestor Garcia and his lawyer.

"I want to thank you for yesterday," Garcia says. "That dance meant a lot to my daughter, and the fact that you let me finish, that means a lot to me. So, to reward you, I have a gift. A drug deal is going down this afternoon large shipment, the kind of bust that'll get you noticed"

"And you're just giving us this because we were nice to you?" Angela asks, her voice laced with suspicion

"No, I'm doing this to reduce my sentence. But I'm giving it to you because you were nice to me. So, you'd better hurry up, call the D.A. to make a deal, because the exchange is going down in two hours,"

Angela and Mirana exchange glances, sceptical of Garcia's offer. The lawyer leans in, whispering something to Garcia, but he dismisses them with a wave.

"Give us the details," Mirana says.

Garcia proceeds to provide them with information about the drug deal-location, participants, and the anticipated timeline. Angela jots down notes while Mirana listens intently.

"You better be telling the truth, Garcia," Angela warns. "If this is some kind of setup-"

"It's not a setup," Garcia interrupts. "I just want a better deal for myself. You decide what to do with the information. It's up to you."

As they leave the interrogation room, Mirana turns to Angela. "What do you think?"

"I don't trust him," Angela replies. "But if there's a chance this information is valid, we need to act on it. Let's notify the D.A. and get a team ready."


Mirana leans against one of the tables next to Angela as she listens to Sergeant Grey speak.

"Okay, according to Garcia, the exchange is going down at Stoneson Home Supply on Sunset,"

"They're gonna make a drug deal in the parking lot in broad daylight?" Lucy asks.

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