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"You're hurting my hand," Tim mutters and Mirana glares at him

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"You're hurting my hand," Tim mutters and Mirana glares at him.

"Tim, te golpeare hasta la muerte if you complain one more time," Mirana says. "Our demon child is tearing himself out of my body and you're complaining?"

"You're right, sorry," Tim nods. "What can I do to help?"

"Get in the bed behind her," The midwife suggests. "Let her lean against your chest and put some pressure on her lower back"

Tim does as the midwife says, getting into the bed behind Mirana draping one hand over her shoulder so she can grab it before using the other to press against Mirana's lower back.

"I'm here!" Lucy hurries into the room, the hospital bag in her hands.

"Oh, Luce hit him for me, I'm too busy squeezing his hand," Mirana says.

"Chen, I am your superior- Ouch!" Tim's free hand flies up to his ear that Lucy just flicked.

"Consider that a preemptive strike for all the times you're going to complain during the birth," Lucy says, raising an eyebrow at Tim.

"I'll try to keep my complaints to a minimum," Tim retorts, wincing a bit.

Mirana laughs. "It's going to be a long afternoon, isn't it?"

"You can do it, Mira. Just think about meeting your little demon child soon," Lucy says, offering words of encouragement.

"It's time Mirana," The midwife says. "Start pushing"

Mirana takes a deep breath and nods. Tim, still rubbing his ear, takes her hand once more. Lucy smirks at Tim before taking Mirana's other hand.

"Come on, Mira, you've got this," Lucy encourages.

Mirana grits her teeth, pushing with all her strength. A pained cry escapes from her lips as she clutches Tim and Lucy's hands tightly. Lucy lets out a pained yelp at the vice-like grip on her hand.

"These drugs are awful!" Mirana cries out. "Timothy, you're sleeping on the couch for the rest of eternity"

"Whatever you'd like," Tim hums from his position behind Mirana.

"You're almost there, Mirana! Just a little more," the midwife encourages.

Mirana gives another push, her face contorted with effort. Lucy winces as she and Tim continue to bear the brunt of Mirana's grip. The room fills with a mix of tension, pain, and anticipation.

"I see the head! One more big push, Mirana!" the midwife announces.

Mirana summons every ounce of strength she has left, and with one final push, the newborn's cries fill the room. The midwife gently places the baby on Mirana's chest, and the exhaustion on Mirana's face is replaced by tired joy as she slumps back against Tim who brushes the matted strands of hair back from her face.

"It's a boy," the midwife announces, smiling.

"He's beautiful, Mirana," Lucy says, looking at the baby with a smile.

Mirana, cradling their son, looks up at Tim with tears of happiness in her eyes. Tim leans down, kissing the crown of her head.

"You did it, Mira. Our son is here," Tim whispers. "Isaac Luke Bradford"

"Hello, Isaac," Mirana whispers to the baby in her arms.

"Pictures!" Lucy exclaims.

Mirana cradles Isaac close as she leans back against Tim while Lucy takes pictures of them.

"He's so small," Lucy whispers.

"Do you want to hold him, Luce?"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I'm sure," Mirana hands her son to Lucy who rocks him gently.

"Why is Chen holding my son before I have?" Tim asks, carefully getting out from behind Mirana.

Lucy chuckles as she carefully hands Isaac to Tim. "Sorry. It's just a perk of being the best friend."

Tim rolls his eyes but can't hide his smile as he cradles his newborn son in his arms. "You're lucky you're her best friend."

Lucy grins, "Well, someone has to keep her sane"

"We're here!" Angela calls, walking through the door before turning to Tim and holding her hands out. "Gimme"

"Lopez you can't waltz in here and demand my child," Tim says.

"I can and I will," Angela says, taking Isaac from Tim.

"How are you feeling?" Jackson asks, perching on the bed next to Mirana.

"Like I've been hit by a truck,"

"Well," Jackson says. "I bought you-"

"A Frappucino!" Mirana gasps, pressing a kiss to Jackson's cheek. "You are a gorgeous man"

"I know," Jackson grins.

The room fills with laughter and chatter as friends gather around the new family. Angela and Nyla take turns cooing over Isaac, each expressing their awe and admiration. Lucy and Mirana sit together on the bed

"I can't believe you're a dad now, Tim," Jackson says, clapping Tim on the shoulder.

Tim grins, "Yeah, it's pretty surreal."

"Never thought I'd see the day," Angela teases as Jackson passes Isaac back to Mirana.

"Do we call him Dadford now?" Jackson jokes.

"I will shoot you," Tim warns but he can't wipe the grin off of his face as he watches Mirana cuddle their son.

"Alright," Angela says. "We'll make ourselves scarce, leave you three together for a bit"

"Gracias, Ange," Mirana smiles as the woman presses a kiss to her cheek.

Mirana and Tim watch their friends leave the room before Tim climbs into the bed with Mirana, gently stroking Isaac's head.

"I can't believe he's finally here," Mirana murmurs.

"Yeah," Tim agrees, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on Mirana's forehead. "Our little family."

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