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"Control, 7-Adam-07, we need a supervisor out here

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"Control, 7-Adam-07, we need a supervisor out here. Code 3."

Tim pulls the car to a stop and Mirana's eyes go wide when she spots Doug Stanton pointing a gun at a family as Jackson tries to talk him down. Mirana throws the door open and sprints over, standing in front of Stanton so his gun is trained at her chest.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Mirana snaps. "Put that down!"

"Get out of the way," Stanton snaps.

"Not happening," Mirana shakes her head, crossing her arms over her chest. "Get your finger off the damn trigger. Now"

"You don't tell me what to do," Stanton sneers. "Hook them all up"

"No," Mirana shakes her head. "I'm not arresting the whole family and you're not arresting him. So let him go"

"You're forgetting your place boot," Stanton sneers.

"If you're going to be inutil, I'll just do it myself,"

Mirana rolls her eyes, pulling her handcuff key from her belt before crouching down next to the boy and uncuffing him as Tim leads Stanton and Jackson away. Mirana helps the boy to his feet, gently brushing the dirt off of his jacket.

"Are you injured?" Mirana asks.

"My wrists are cut," The boy replies. "From the cuffs"

"Alright, come with me, I have a first aid kit in my car," Mirana turns to the family. "Would one of you like to accompany us?"

"I will," The boy's mother says and Mirana nods.

Mirana glares at Stanton as she leads the boy towards the shop, her hand on his shoulder. Mirana pops the trunk of the car and gestures for Kyle to sit as she unzips her first aid kit, pulling on some gloves.

"What's your name?" Mirana asks.


"Well, Kyle they're not that bad," Mirana says, examining the cuts. "I am going to clean them and put some bandaids on"

"Thank you," Kyle's mother says. "For uncuffing him and standing up to that man"

"It's the least I could do," Mirana says, opening an antibacterial wipe. "This is gonna sting, okay?"

"Yeah," Kyle nods, wincing as Mirana wipes the injuries before grabbing bandaids.

"Who do I talk to about a complaint?" Kyle's mother asks.

"That man there," Mirana points at Tim. "He'll give you his card and put you in contact with our Watch Commander"

"Thank you," The woman nods before walking over to Tim as Mirana sits down next to Kyle.

"How are you feeling?" Mirana asks, her voice soft.

"That guy's an asshole," Kyle says and Mirana laughs with a nod. "Don't tell my mom I said that"

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