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A loud knock sounds on the front door as Mirana applies makeup to her face

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A loud knock sounds on the front door as Mirana applies makeup to her face. "Tim! Can you get that?"

"On it!" Tim says from the living room where he's burping Isaac. "Mira, come out here!"

"Has my father finally died?" Mirana calls back. "Si es asi, voy a bailar sobre su tumba"

"Mirana," Tim says and the woman sighs, placing her makeup brush down.

"Ya casi termino. What could be so important-" Mirana pauses when she notices who their house guest is. "Sergeant Grey, morning. Why are you in our house? Has Elian actually died?"

"He's here about Stanton," Tim says and Mirana nods.

"I'm going to speak to Officer West after this," Grey says. "So I'll be quick. I don't want Stanton in my house or on the force. He's a disgrace to the badge"

"Something we all agree on," Tim nods as he pats Isaac's back.

"My hands are tied," Grey says. "But you two and Officer West are a little less bound than I am"

"What do you need us to do?" Mirana asks.

"Officer West, if he agrees, will keep book," Grey says. "He'll chronicle every offence, big or small. If we're lucky, the accumulation of infractions will be enough to take his gun and his badge. You two are going to be assigned to the same sector so every time West and Stanton take a call, you'll both be automatically filled"

"So, only the four of us are in the know?" Mirana asks and Grey nods.

"Doug Stanton can't even get a whiff that we're going after him," Grey says. "Cabrera, you've been pretty vocal to him on his actions, you're going to have to keep doing that. If you stop, instantly he'll get suspicious, body cameras on any time you interact with him"

"Yes sir,"

"Bradford, you'll keep acting as a mediator for when Cabrera and Stanton get heated," Grey says. "We all have to play our roles perfectly"

"Yes sir,"


"This is so unfair to Jackson," Mirana says as Jackson states they're Code 4 over the radio.

"I know," Tim nods in agreement as he drums his fingers against the steering wheel. "Having to ride next to a guy, hoping he doesn't cross the line. Can't imagine what that's like"

"I can," Mirana hums. "My first shift, I thought I'd slept with the guy that was gonna be my Doug"

"What?" Tim snaps, his voice laced with surprise and annoyance. "How am I anything like that guy?"

"You don't remember?" Mirana asks. "You kicked me out because you fake died and those Spanish-speaking gardeners honked at us. You asked me to translate for you and I didn't so you tore my head off? Not ringing any bells?"

"So what?" Tim asks. "I'm a bad cop now?"

"I didn't say that, you're una buen policia, Tim," Mirana says with a sigh. "But that was a bad stop. How do you think those men felt? They may not have understood what you were saying but your tone definitely gave away a lot"

"I'm not looking for five-star Yelp reviews. I've got a job to do," Tim retorts and Mirana rolls her eyes.

"They also had a job, one that pays a hell of a lot less and comes with no bonuses," Mirana shrugs. "They were just trying to get to work, and then they met you"

"Excessive and unnecessary use of the horn is against the law," Tim says. "Plus they had several vehicle violations. I could've impounded their truck"

"So, instead of impounding their truck you terrorize them and ask another immigrant-turned-American citizen to tell them they should be sent back in a slingshot?" Mirana asks.

"Terrorize?" Tim asks.

"Yeah, aterrorizar," Mirana nods.

"Really?" Tim asks before shaking his head. "That's it. You know, don't say another word to me. We're done with this conversation"

"Mature," Mirana nods before looking out of the window, dropping the conversation.


Mirana glances at Tim whose face is set in a hard glare as they walk down the street. She rolls her eyes before speaking.

"Are you still enojado?" Mirana asks

"I'm not mad," Tim says.

"Maybe you should tell that to your eyebrows," Mirana replies as they approach the house where a woman is watering her plants. "Or the pout on your lips"

"I don't pout!"

"You're doing it right now,"

"Thank you for coming," The woman greets them. "We keep getting our deliveries stolen. Most people on the block are having the same problem"

"Porch pirate," Mirana says to Tim who nods.

"No front door camera," Tim says to the woman. "We'll walk around and see if any of your neighbours have one"

As they walk away from the house, Tim sighs before he turns his head to look at Mirana.

"Okay, I'm not mad, but I am upset,"

"Lo sabia," Mirana says.

"At myself," Tim says and Mirana's eyebrows rise as he continues. "You're right. I used the situation with the gardeners without thinking about the impact I had on them or you. I can't undo it, but I can make sure I never do it again"

"I'm proud of you," Mirana grins at him, squeezing his arm lightly and Tim smiles at her.

"You keep giving me kicks in the ass," Tim says. "Made me realise a few things"

Mirana and Tim both stop their conversation when they watch a dog run up to the porch of one of the houses across the street. The dog clamps its jaws around the parcel before running off with it.

"The porch pirate is a perro?" Mirana laughs as they begin to follow the dog. "That's brilliant"

They follow the dog down the street and around the corner to a small garage where a man is waiting. The garage is full of packages of all different sizes, scattered all around the small space.

"Good boy! Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" The man strokes the dog.

"Who's under arrest?" Mirana asks and she wiggles her fingers at the man when he looks up.

"Bad dog. Bad dog," The man says and Mirana rolls her eyes.

"On your feet, hands on your head, interlace your fingers," Mirana says as she pulls out her handcuffs.

"Is this your usual method of catching criminals?" Tim asks teasingly, gesturing toward the dog.

"Hey, it worked, didn't it?" Mirana grins, escorting the man toward the police car.

As they walk, Tim nudges her. "So, do I get a 'buen chico' for figuring things out?"

Mirana smirks. "Maybe, if you're extra good."

After placing the man in the back of the police car, Mirana glances at Tim. "Apology accepted, by the way."

"Thanks," Tim replies. "And for the record, I don't pout."

Mirana raises an eyebrow. "Sure, tipo duro."

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