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Mirana and Tim get out of the car as a woman comes running out of her front yard, clearly frantic

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Mirana and Tim get out of the car as a woman comes running out of her front yard, clearly frantic.

"They're gonna kill each other!" She shouts. "My boys they bought these military vests off the Internet, and they wanna try them out!"

"Are they bulletproof vests?" Mirana asks, grabbing her first aid kit from the car.

"Oh, I hope so,"

Mirana and Tim walk into the garden and Mirana's eyebrows rise in surprise. Two young men are standing in the front yard, pointing guns at each other.

"They won't listen to me," The woman says before turning to her sons. "Maybe you'll listen to them. I called the cops"

"Ma'am, get in the house," Mirana says and the woman runs inside. "Drop your weapons!"

"Put the guns down,"

The two men ignore Mirana and Tim's shouts as they count back from three. When they reach one, they pull the trigger and they both fall onto the ground.

"Oh, my God!" The woman screams.

"Stay in the house," Mirana says to the woman.

"See, I told you they'd work," One of the men says.

"Drop the guns right now!"

"Drop your weapon now!"

"Relax," One of the men says, throwing the gun away. "We were just messing around. J-Bag bet me the vests wouldn't work"

Tim moves to arrest the one called J-Bag as Mirana approaches the other.

"You okay to get up?" Mirana asks and he shakes his head.

"I don't feel so good," The man replies.

Mirana places her first aid kit on the ground, opening her first aid kit when she spots the blood pouring from the man's chest. Mirana quickly rolls him slightly to check his back.

"Tim!" Mirana calls as she pulls on gloves before tearing open the vest. "GSW to the chest, no exit wound"

Mirana grabs her scissors before cutting the man's shirt open. She then grabs gauze from her kit, tearing the packaging open before holding it to the wound. The man screams as she applies pressure but Mirana keeps her pressure steady.

"Look at you! You guys never listen to what I'm saying!" The mother shouts.

"I won the bet," J-Bag grins.

"What bet? He's dying!" The mother exclaims.

"It doesn't matter! It was his idea to buy the vests!" J-Bag exclaims.

"7-Adam-19. I need an ambulance. Gunshot wound to the upper torso," Tim says into his radio.

"Mom, go back in the house!" J-Bag calls.

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