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"Is the jersey necessary?" Mirana asks Tim as she applies nude nail polish to her nails

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"Is the jersey necessary?" Mirana asks Tim as she applies nude nail polish to her nails.

"Of course it is," Tim replies, his eyes locked on the screen.

"Mm-hmm," Mirana nods. "I'm just going to take my top off now"

"That's nice," Tim nods, his eyes still trained on the screen.

"I killed a man and buried him in our backyard," Mirana says.

"Eric Weddle with a tackle just shy of the first down marker"

"Okay," Tim nods before he shoots to his feet. "Thattaboy, Weddle! Thattaboy, baby! Come on! One more!"

"I need more wine,"

Mirana sighs, grabbing the bottle. She glances at her empty glass before shaking her head, opting to drink straight from the bottle.

"We're coming on air live with a car chase in Los Angeles County,"

Mirana snorts at the look on Tim's face as the game changes to news coverage. The man flops back on the couch.

"Oh come on!" He exclaims.

"The driver has been eluding police for the better part of half an hour,"

"This is the most entertaining thing that's happened on the screen all night," Mirana says and Tim glares at her. "Hey, isn't that-"

The faint sound of sirens causes both of them to turn and glance out the window before looking back at the screen. Tim gets to his feet before grabbing his car keys.

"What are you-?" Mirana follows Tim to the front door, leaning against the door frame.

"Dispatch, Officer Tim Bradford. Badge 34831. Log me in for overtime in pursuit of a high-speed suspect,"

Mirana's jaw drops as she watches Tim get into his car before backing out of the driveway, stopping his car in the middle of the road.

She watches as Tim aims his gun at the fugitive's car which is out of her view as he shouts orders at the driver. He nods his head at someone out of view before driving towards the house.

Mirana steps back into the house as Tim walks towards the front door.

"You happy with yourself?" Mirana asks as she seats herself back on the couch as the game continues.

"The ball is tipped, intercepted by Weddle -"

"Yes! Run, Weddle! Run!" Tim shouts at the screen.

"He's at the 20, the 10 - Touchdown! Eric Weddle!"

Mirana laughs as Tim jumps around cheering. She takes another swig of the wine as Tim sits on the couch.

"So, you burying bodies now?" Tim asks, finally acknowledging Mirana's earlier statement about a buried man.

Mirana raises an eyebrow, "Only in my imagination, Bradford. You'd probably be the one doing the burying if that ever happened."

He chuckles, "True, you wouldn't want to break a nail."

Mirana smirks at Tim, "You know me so well."

"I also know you recorded me in that pursuit and sent it to the secret little group chat you have with Chen, Lopez and Harper,"

"I would do no such thing," Mirana gasps. "You think I would give Harper material to bully you with?"

"Considering she just texted me saying purple isn't my colour, it's a safe bet to guess yes,"

"Okay, it's what we do," Mirana says. "Angela sends stuff about Wesley, Lucy about Jackson and Harper about Nolan. We like to complain and drink wine. Do you have a problem with that Timothy?"

"No ma'am," Tim shakes his head.

"Don't ever call me that again," Mirana says. "I am twenty seven years old, I am nowhere near ma'am age. Do I look like a ma'am to you?"

"Of course not honey," Tim smiles at her.

Mirana narrows her eyes at Tim. "Honey? Seriously? Are we in the 50's"

Tim chuckles, "Sorry, force of habit. How about 'dude'?"

Mirana raises an eyebrow. "Dude? Do you like having your head on your shoulders?"

"Technically it's on my-" Tim looks at the glare Mirana is giving him. "Yes, I do like having my head on my shoulders"

"Can we watch something else now?" Mirana asks.

"Are you kidding? There's still ten minutes of the game left,"

"Can't you just follow the score on your phone?" Mirana asks.

"That's a sin," Tim shakes his head. "Look, let me finish the game and I'll watch that new romcom you want to watch"

"You'll watch Crazy Rich Asians?" Mirana asks. "You hid the remote yesterday when I suggested it"

"But I'm in an extremely good mood," Tim says. "The Rams are winning, I just clocked overtime for pulling out of my driveway and you're wearing this silk robe I love"

Mirana smirks, "You're easily bribed, Bradford."

"Call it what you want, but it's a win-win," Tim replies with a grin.

As the game progresses, Mirana occasionally comments on the plays, mostly pretending to know more about football than she actually does. Tim plays along and explains the game with a patience that surprises even him.

Once the final whistle blows, Tim turns to Mirana, "Alright, romcom time. I'll even get the popcorn. For me obviously. I'll grab your sweets"

"You know me so well," Mirana grins at him.

"We spend almost every waking minute together," Tim replies. "Of course I do. I also know you've been complaining to the group chat about my clothes folding"

"I love you but you're awful at it," Mirana says.

Tim chuckles, "You're just spoiled by my other talents."

Mirana raises an eyebrow, "Other talents? You turned your own socks rosado because you didn't separate the laundry properly"

"it's not my fault you opt for red underwear"

"You don't usually complain,"

Tim grins, "Maybe I've been saving it all up for a special occasion."

Mirana smirks, "Well, if turning my whites rosado is your idea of a special occasion, then congratulations, you've succeeded."

"You're so mean," Tim says. "I prefer to think of it as keeping things interesting."

Mirana rolls her eyes playfully, "Interesting would be if you managed to fold a shirt without leaving wrinkles the size of the Grand Canyon."

"I'll work on it," Tim says, settling on the couch beside her. "But let's focus on the movie for now. I promise not to ruin your whites anymore."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Bradford,"

Tim smirks, "Oh, I can keep this one. Consider it a personal challenge."

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