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"7-Adam-19, reports of a domestic in the Hills near your current location, address is in your box,"

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"7-Adam-19, reports of a domestic in the Hills near your current location, address is in your box,"

"Show 7-Adam-19 responding," Mirana says into the radio as Tim turns on the sirens. "God, I've missed work"

"Have you heard from the nanny?" Tim asks and Mirana nods.

"She put Isaac down for a nap an hour ago, she's going to feed him when he wakes up," Mirana says and Tim nods.

Mirana knocks on the door before stepping back as a slender figure becomes visible through the frosted glass. A woman cracks the door open, a black bruise forming around her eye and when she looks at Mirana, both of the women's faces contort into shock and surprise.

"Wendy?" Mirana whispers, her eyes flickering past the crack in the door.

"I'd recognise those eyes anywhere. Mirana! Look at you," Wendy says, opening the door before slipping out onto the porch and pulling it closed behind her. "You're so grown up"

"Did he do this to you?" Mirana asks. "Even after all these years?"

"I'm sorry," Tim interjects. "How do you two-?"

"Wendy was my foster mother through high school," Mirana says and Tim's eyes widen.

"So the man in the house-?"

"Yes," Mirana nods, her eyes flickering to the door before she looks back at Wendy. "We can help you, Wen"

"You always were a brave girl," Wendy smiles, placing her hand on Mirana's cheek. "But you need to go if Henry finds out you're still in L.A.-"

"Wendy, he could kill you," Mirana says. "I can't just leave you here"

"We'll meet for coffee, okay?" Wendy smiles at Mirana. "Have you got a notepad-"

Mirana hands her notepad and pen to Wendy who jots her number down.

"Here," Tim hands her his card. "If you ever need anything, call this number"

"WENDY!" A voice shouts and Tim watches both Mirana and Wendy flinch.

"Wen, please," Mirana begs. "Just come with us, we can keep you safe"

"If I do that, he'll find me and in extension find you," Wendy whispers. "You got out Mirana, I'm not letting him near you again. I've made my decision, Mirana. You need to go, now."

Mirana reluctantly nods, her heart heavy with worry. "Promise me you'll call if you need anything."

Wendy manages a weak smile. "I'll be fine. Now go, before he comes out here."

Mirana hesitates for a moment, her concern evident in her eyes. "Please, Wendy, be safe."

Wendy nods, her expression determined. "I will. Take care of yourself, Mirana."

With that, Wendy walks back into the house and Mirana curses under her breath as she walks back to the car. She gets in before angrily slamming her hands against the dashboard as Tim waits to speak.

"There has to be something we can do," Mirana says.

"If Wendy won't tell us anything, we have to wait,"

"He might kill her Tim!" Mirana exclaims.

Tim places a comforting hand on Mirana's shoulder, trying to calm her down. "We offered her help, Mira. She made her choice, and we can't force her to do anything she's not ready for. Right now, our priority is to keep you and Isaac safe."

Mirana takes a deep breath, the frustration evident in her eyes as Tim starts the car. "I just can't stand the thought of her going through that alone."

"We'll keep an eye out for any signs, and if there's a chance to help her, we'll take it. But we can't jeopardize your safety or Isaac's."

"Wendy is the reason I made it out of that house alive. If it wasn't for her, Henry would have killed me," Mirana says before looking down at her top. "Great and now I'm leaking"

"Let's get back to the station so you can get changed," Tim says and Mirana nods. "Wendy will call us if something happens"

"How do you know?" Mirana asks, grabbing tissues to dab at her top.

"Because she knows you're alive and well," Tim says. "She'll want to reconnect"

"I just-"

"She knows you care, Mira. That means a lot to her. But now, let's head back to the station and get you a new shirt"


Mirana walks into the station, still dabbing at her shirt as she ignores the stares of her colleagues.

"Woah, Cabrera!" Officer Thompson says. "That's hardly workplace appropriate"

"Excuse me?" Mirana asks, turning to face the man.

"You know-" Thompson gestures at her chest.

"I'm sorry," Mirana scoffs. "Are you uncomfortable with basic bodily functions? The fact that my body gave life and now feeds that new life? Are you really that uncomfortable with women? God no wonder you were divorced three times, estupido pendejo-"

"Mirana," Lucy hurries over with Lawrence in tow. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, completely fine," Mirana grits out, glaring at Thompson. "Just dealing with a ridiculous amount of ignorance"

Lucy shoots a disapproving look at Officer Thompson before turning her attention back to Mirana. "Come on, let's get you to the locker room. Officer Lawrence, can you handle things here?"

Lawrence nods, stepping forward to address Thompson, "You should focus on your own work, Officer Thompson, instead of creating a scene. Let's discuss how to speak to other colleagues before it becomes an HR problem"

As Lucy leads Mirana away, she whispers, "Don't let him get to you, Mira. He's not worth your time."

"I'm gonna pump before getting changed," Mirana says.

"You want me to sit with you?"

"If you want," Mirana shrugs, opening the door to the small room that had been cleared out for her.

"They have a weird friendship," Lawrence says to Tim who just shrugs as they stare at the closed door.

"I'm used to it by now,"

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