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"Just decide!" Tim exclaims as his fingers drum against the steering wheel

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"Just decide!" Tim exclaims as his fingers drum against the steering wheel.

"This is a hard decision!" Mirana says.

"You either have your coffee limit now or later," Tim says. "It's not that hard"

"I'll have a caramel frappuccino, no coffee," Mirana says and Tim nods.

"Was that so hard?" Tim asks before speaking to the intercom. "One large caramel frappuccino, no coffee"

"Do you mean venti?" The voice on the intercom asks.

"Yes, he does," Mirana calls.

"No problem, please come around to the window to pay,"

"Venti?" Tim asks as he pulls his card out of his money clip.

"That's a large cup," Mirana explains as Tim pays, taking the coffee from the woman.

"Here," Tim hands Mirana the bag and she pulls her drink out. "You took your folic acid and Vitamin D this morning right?"

"Si, you handed them to me," Mirana nods, sipping on her drink as she scrolls through Instagram.

Mirana likes Lucy's most recent post from their movie night when Tim slams on the brakes, causing Mirana to jolt forward. She looks up from her phone and her jaw drops as she stares out of the window.

"Tim, is that-?"

"A lion," Tim nods and Mirana lifts her phone to take a picture of the lion.

"Wind the windows up," Mirana says, dialling 9-1-1. "Lock the doors"


"Nell, it's Mirana," Mirana says into the phone. "Tim and I are in his car on Wilshire Boulevard and we've just seen a lion"

"A lion?"

"I'm talking Mufasa is roaming the streets of LA," Mirana replies. "Send everyone. Keep RA on standby, I have a feeling he's-"

A woman screams as the lion pounces on her and Mirana's eyes widen, her hand flying to her mouth.

"Nell, there's one confirmed victim, status unknown," Mirana says before turning to Tim. "We've got to get out there"

"We'll have to use lethal force," Tim says and Mirana nods, opening the car door.

"LAPD!" Mirana shouts, keeping her gun trained on the lion. "EVERYONE GET INSIDE, LOCK YOUR DOORS!"

The lion turns to face Mirana and Tim, blood covering its mouth as it roars at them. It lowers itself, getting in position and causing Mirana and Tim to fire their guns. The lion slumps to the ground, two bullet wounds in its legs.

"Tim, you see to the woman," Mirana says.

"What are you going to do?" Tim asks.

"Hope I don't lose a hand," Mirana says, grabbing her first aid kit from the car.

"You're going to-"

"Give first aid to a lion?" Mirana asks. "Yeah. Grab the ketamine from my first aid kit"

Tim hands her the vial and needle which she quickly sorts before approaching the lion. The creature glares at her as she sticks the needle into its side, pushing the plunger.

Mirana glances at her watch as the lion's eyes begin to fall closed. A crowd has formed as Tim tends to the woman and Mirana tends to the lion. She pulls on a pair of sterile gloves as the crowd grows in size.

"Everyone back!" Mirana shouts. "If he wakes up, you'll all be his main course!"

At Mirana's words, everyone takes large steps back. The woman reaches into her first aid kit and grabs rubbing alcohol before pouring it on the lion's wounds. She examines the lion's legs to see both wounds had entrances and exits. Mirana grabs bandages before beginning to wrap the lion's legs.

A large puff of breath leaves the lion's mouth and Mirana jolts back until she's sure the lion isn't going to move.

Once she's done wrapping the lion's legs, the crowd begins to clap as Mirana ushers them all back.

"Everyone needs to get inside, when he wakes up he'll be angry,"

"Mittens!" A woman runs forward, pushing through the crowd as she reaches for the lion.

"Whoa!" Mirana catches the woman around the waist. "Ma'am, is this your lion?"

"Yes, what did you do to him?"

"Your pet mauled an innocent woman," Mirana says, pointing at where Tim is tending to the woman. "Animal control is on its way"

"No," The woman shakes her head.

"You'll be coming to the station to answer some questions," Mirana says.

The lion yawns loudly and everyone begins to move back.

"Mittens, I'm here!" The woman calls.

"Tim," Mirana calls warningly.

Tim glances over at Mirana and moves closer, ready to assist if needed. The lion starts to stir from its sedation, its eyes slowly opening.

"Ma'am, you need to step back," Tim warns the woman.

"He won't hurt me," she insists, trying to break free from Mirana's grip.

Mirana tightens her hold, "We can't take that chance. Mittens is a wild animal, and we need to ensure everyone's safety."

Uniformed officers join them in pushing the crowd back as animal control officers appear, armed with tranquillizer darts as they sedate the lion once again.

"I didn't think he'd ever do something like this. He's always been so gentle." The woman murmurs, watching as animal control takes Mittens away.

"We'll need to investigate this thoroughly," Tim adds. "Animal control will take Mittens into custody, and you'll be answering questions at the station."

"We'll take her," An officer says and Tim nods.

"What a way to start the day," Mirana says.

"We better make sure Nell clocked us in for overtime,"

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