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"If my uniform gets stained I might resort to asesinatos," Mirana says as they walk across the paintball course

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"If my uniform gets stained I might resort to asesinatos," Mirana says as they walk across the paintball course.

"Then I'll have to arrest you," Tim says. "And I'll have so much paperwork"

"Maybe not then, because I know you don't like paperwork," Mirana smiles at him.

"You're so thoughtful,"

"Hey, Officer, over here. Over here," A man in camo runs over to them.

"He's totally lost his mind," Another man says.

"Who?" Tim asks.

"Jimmy. He lives for paintball, but he takes it way too seriously. Carl snuck up behind him and scored, and then Jimmy freaked out and started attacking -"

"Okay. Slow down. Who's Jimmy? Who's Carl?"

"That's Carl,"

Mirana looks at the man who's been seated on a tree stump. There's a short, thick tree branch protruding from the man's upper right chest.

Mirana places her first aid kit on the ground before she begins to examine the wound.

"We called an ambulance," One of the men says. "They're on their way"

"Can you do anything?" Tim asks Mirana who walks over to him, keeping her voice low.

"There's not much I can do. If I move this in any way and it pierces his lung, he'll drown in his own blood before the RA unit even gets here," Mirana reaches into her first aid kit and grabs a box of latex gloves. "All of you put these on, the tree branch may already be covered in dirt but if your gloves aren't washed and someone has any kind of infection you could pass it on to Carl"

"Where can we find Jimmy?" Tim asks.

"Well, he's out there playing somewhere,"

"How can we ID him?" Tim asks.

"Uh, he's about 6' tall, he's got a camo jacket, and a skeleton face guard,"

"All right. You stay here and wait for the ambulance," Tim instructs the players who nod.

Mirana and Tim walk through a large building with an empty room and come out on the other side.

"All this for a game?"

"He's got to be a loner," Tim says. "Isolated, no sense of accomplishment except for paintball and someone took that from him"

"Sounds like a budding serial killer," Mirana says. "Not a paintball enthusiast"

"He could be but right now, as far as we know, he's armed with paint pellets," Tim says. "The worst outcome is we lose an eye"

"I can't read at the best of times," Mirana says, batting a branch out of her face. "Losing an eye doesn't sound ideal"

"Have you used those covers that Chen recommended?" Tim asks.

"Yeah, yellow works the best," Mirana says. "I might have to ask if the station can stock yellow paper so I can actually read the reports"

"I'm sure Grey will do it if you ask," Tim says.

"This is going to take forever," Mirana sighs, batting another tree branch out of her face. "They're all in camo"

"That's the point," Tim says. "It's a tactical game"

"Have you ever played?" Mirana asks.

"No. It's amateur hour. I'd straight up murder these guys," Tim says.

"So fun things are beneath you now?" Mirana asks and Tim rolls his eyes.

"I just need a challenge,"

"Okay," Mirana nods.

"Exhibit A," Tim nods at a woman trying to sneak up on a man. "She thinks approaching from the rear gives her a tactical advantage. But in reality, had she taken the superior position of the high ground to the north -"

As if on cue, a paintball strikes the woman in the back.

"- that wouldn't have happened,"

"But Jimmy lives for this game," Mirana says. "To him, this is his domain"

"So where would he go?" Tim asks Mirana.

"High ground, protected view of the course," Mirana says. "Like a sniper"

"And snipers have a nest, so where is his nest?"

"There," Mirana says, eyeing up the building high on a hill.

Mirana pushes open the door and three paintball pellets splatter against the door. She moves back to avoid getting hit by any more pellets that could fly at the door.

"LAPD!" Tim shouts. "Anyone else fires, they're going to jail."

"Okay. Sorry,"

"Guys, guns down,"

"Guy in the skeleton mask?" Tim asks.

"Behind you!"

One of the players points behind Tim causing him and Mirana to turn and see Jimm beginning to run from the building.

"Jimmy!" Tim shouts.

Tim runs forward, snatching one of the paintball rifles from a player. Once he has Jimmy in his sights, Tim raises the paintball rifle and nails Jimmy in the back four times causing Jimmy to surrender.

"Nicely done,"

"I know,"

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