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Mirana stands on the large field with Lucy and Nyla, preparing to play softball against the North Hollywood Division in an attempt to mend the bridges burned by Doug Stanton

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Mirana stands on the large field with Lucy and Nyla, preparing to play softball against the North Hollywood Division in an attempt to mend the bridges burned by Doug Stanton.

"Maybe I take down a huge kingpin," Lucy says as Mirana takes a large mouthful from the flask.

"Your mom will be tan orgullosa," Mirana says, handing the flask to Nyla.

A moment of silence falls over the three women before they begin howling with laughter. Mirana clutches her stomach as she laughs, hunching over from the force of her laughter.

"Cabrera, you're up!" Grey shouts.

"Oh mierda," Mirana giggles.

Mirana takes a large swig from the flask she had been sharing with Nyla and Lucy before stepping up to pitch. She squints her eyes before winding her arm back and throwing the ball.

"This is your relief pitcher?" Stanton jeers as Tim tosses the ball back to Mirana. "My grandma's not busy. She can pitch better than that-"

Mirana winds her arm back and pitches the ball, nailing Stanton right between the legs. The man groans, dropping to his knees in pain as members of his team hurry over to him.

"Oh! Right in the balls," Lawrence says, pressing his fist to his mouth.

"Oh shit!" Jackon laughs loudly.

"What the hell are you doing?" One of the female officers gets up in Mirana's face.

"I thought he was stealing second," Mirana shrugs. "Have you got a problem?"

As four male officers step up behind the female officer who is facing off with Mirana, Tim, Lawrence, Nolan and Jackson all move to stand behind Mirana. They're all glaring at each other, daring the other to make a move as Mirana and the female officer go toe to toe.

"Woah!" Sergeant Grey calls, gently pushing Mirana back.

Loud, howling laughter fills the air as Lucy and Nyla stumble over to where the two divisions are facing off. Nyla clutches her stomach, howling with laughter as Lucy clutches onto her for support.

"Are you drunk?" Grey asks Mirana.

"Si," Mirana nods, holding up her finger and thumb.

"So she's trashy?" The officer jeers causing some laughter to rise from the officers behind her.

"That's how it is?" Mirana scoffs, yanking her glove off before tossing it on the ground causing Lawrence and Tim to grab onto her to keep her in place.

"Yeah, that's how it is," The officer sneers.

"Pruebame perra," Mirana sneers back.

"Enough!" Sergeant Grey says.

"Your officer is drunk and disorderly in public," The female officer says to Grey. "Aren't you going to deal with it?"

"You got all up in her face," Tim says and the woman scoffs.

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