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"I spoke to Jackson before roll call this morning," Mirana says to Tim as she helps the woman in the back of the car out

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"I spoke to Jackson before roll call this morning," Mirana says to Tim as she helps the woman in the back of the car out. "Stanton went to Grey last night and gave Jackson a blue page"

"He gave Jackson a blue page?" Tim repeats in disbelief and Mirana looks at him.

"Hey, it's not your fault," Mirana says, covering the woman's head with her hand so she doesn't bump it.

"Of course it is," Tim says. "I'm the one that reached out to Doug's old rookie to get dirt on him"

"Because you had hope that Owens would come forward," Mirana says. "You didn't expect him to turn and run to Stanton"

"But you had a feeling," Tim says and Mirana shrugs.

"It was a 50/50,"

"What's a blue page?" The woman asks. "Who's Doug? Who's Owens?"

"A blue page is a failed evaluation," Mirana says at the same time as Tim offers his own answer.

"None of your business,"

"Any way I could get some breakfast?" The woman asks.

"We just arrested you for stealing bagels," Mirana says with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, but I didn't get to eat any,"

Mirana notices Tim staring through the glass and follows his line of sight to see Doug Stanton in the bullpen.

"Can you take her to processing?" Tim asks a passing officer who nods.

"Mediator remember?" Mirana asks as she follows Tim. "I escalate, you de-escalate. Don't make things worse for Jackson"

"Hey, Stanton," Tim says as they stop in front of the man. "You ever want to brush up on any arrest-control techniques I'm available"

"Any time," Stanton replies.

"Yeah? How about now?" Tim asks, stepping forward.

"Let's go," Stanton says, also stepping forward.

"Hey," Mirana grabs Tim's arm. "We are on duty, I'm sure there's criminales to catch so lets go"

"Aw. That's sweet," Staton leers down at Mirana. "Your hot little illegal baby mama boot's trying to rescue you"

"What did you say?" Tim asks, anger plastered across his face and Mirana pulls him back.

"You heard me," Stanton sneers and Mirana steps forward causing Tim to grab her. "Cute, you protect each other"

"You've got it all wrong," Tim says. "I'm here to make sure you remain physically intact"

"And it's a good thing he is because you are two seconds away from losing your teeth," Mirana snaps at Stanton.

"Are you threatening me?" The man asks and Mirana shakes her head.

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