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"Why are you so against reversals?" Mirana asks Tim

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"Why are you so against reversals?" Mirana asks Tim.

"It creates mistrust between officers," Tim replies. "Making our job harder than it already is-"

A car horn blares out, interrupting Tim as a red Corvette swerves past a car stopped at a stop sign before speeding down the streets.

Tim flips on the lights and sirens as they follow the red Corvette which pulls over. Mirana gets out of the car and approaches the Corvette.

Mirana leans down as the window winds down to reveal Mario Lopez, who is grinning at her.

"License and registration?" Tim asks.

"Yes, sir. Uh, I'm so sorry. I can't believe I did that. I-I've never run a stop sign before,"

"That was dangerous," Tim says. "We'll have to write you up for it"

"Uh, Officer, is there any way you could let me slide on this one, or just let me off with a with a stern warning?" Mario asks. "It's just that I'm really late right now, and I got a lot of people waiting for me on set"

"You ran a stop sign. We could arrest you for it," Tim says.

"Arrest me?" Mario asks. "Come on. It's - It's a nice, quiet street. There's no harm done. You know, I could get you tickets to any big movie premiere you'd like, or is there a particular star you ever wanted to meet?"

"Okay, sir, bribery of a public officer is in violation of co-" Tim stops talking when he looks across the street. "Oh, you gotta be kidding me"

"Your partner is very irritable," Mario says to Mirana as Tim walks away.

"He prefers our resources be used to tackle real crime," Mirana shrugs, eyeing the flashing cameras down the street. "Not celebrities who want press on a fake arrest to then release a statement about how they were helping the police"

"You caught me," Mario smiles at her. "Does that mean I can go, now that you've sussed me out?"

Tim turns away from the I.A. officer and strides back over to Mario's car, his face one of thunder as he turns to Mirana.

"Write him up. Reckless driving. Giving false information to a police officer. Disobedience to traffic signs. Unlawful act with a green air sticker. Driving with an obstructed view. Unnecessary use of horn. Failure to exercise caution when passing animals,"

"Wha- Is he serious?!" Mario asks Mirana as Tim walks over to the police car before getting in.

"Yep," Mirana says. "So you agreeing to do this with IA has given me at least an hour's worth of paperwork"

Mario smiles at Mirana. "How about I make it up to you over dinner?"

"What would your wife say?" Mirana replies, quirking her eyebrow as she hands him his citation slips.

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