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"Hey," Tim meets Mirana at his car

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"Hey," Tim meets Mirana at his car. "You sure you don't want me to come and help babysit the date?"

"I know you'd rather watch the game," Mirana says. "Don't worry, Caleb's friend knows it's purely platonic"

"You coming home tonight?"

"If Lucy's date goes well, I'll call you," Mirana says. "Shouldn't be too late. If it goes poorly, I'll crash at the apartment"

"Alright," Tim presses a kiss to her lips. "I love you"

"I love you too,"

"COME ON BANANA!" Lucy shouts and Mirana pulls away from Tim, blowing him a kiss before hurrying over to her friend.

The two women walk into the bar and Lucy instantly spots Caleb and his flatmate. Mirana stops Lucy in her tracks, speaking to her under her breath.

"Why am I here again?" Mirana asks.

"I understand you could be getting it on with Tim," Lucy rolls her eyes. "But Caleb understands that going on dates with strange guys you meet at bars is a scary thing for women so that's why you're babysitting"

"You have no more than two hours," Mirana says, pointing a warning finger at Lucy. "Then if you're not taking him home, we're leaving"

"Alright, deal," Lucy nods. "If there's any crime can you arrest them? I've already arrested a man in front of him, don't want to scare him off already"

"Sure," Mirana nods.

"Lucy! Lovely to see you again! You must be Mirana," Caleb smiles at her.

"That's me," Mirana returns the smile, shaking his hand.

"Mirana, this is James," Caleb points at the man who waves at her. "Now he understands that this is just platonic drinks to make Lucy feel more comfortable so tell your boyfriend he doesn't have to worry"

"Okay," Mirana nods before turning to James. "Nice to meet you, James"

"Nice to meet you too," James says. "Drink?"

"Yes please," Mirana nods.

"Can I guess?" James asks.

"Sure," Mirana nods and James squints at her, tilting his head to the side. "This is some intense analyzing"

"Strawberry Daquiri?" James asks and Mirana laughs.

"How did you know?"

"Honestly, a wild guess," James admits.

"Impressive," Mirana nods.

After about an hour of sitting at the bar, watching Lucy's date and drinking to pass the time, Mirana stands up to find Lucy only to see the spot occupied by Lucy and Caleb is empty.

"Where did they go?"

"They just went out for some air, Caleb texted me that he's called you and Lucy a cab,"

"I feel really drunk," Mirana says.

"Let's get you outside in case you're sick," James says, helping Mirana out of the bar.

Mirana stumbles outside, James' arms holding her up as she walks. The man was tightening his grip by the second and Mirana was getting a bad feeling in her gut. She turns to face James, swaying on her feet as she points an accusing finger at him.

"You put something in my drink,"

"You're just drunk,"

"No! Get away from me!"

"Come on," James whispers in Mirana's ear and she pushes him away before clicking the power button on her phone a few times.

"9-1-1, state your emergency?"

"I need help-"

The phone is slapped out of Mirana's hand and goes skidding across the pavement. Mirana attempts to reach for her phone but James grabs onto her as she becomes dizzier by the second. His arms wrap around her as he holds her tightly, his eyes scanning the immediate area.

"It's okay, just sleep," James whispers in her ear.

"He'll kill you," Mirana whispers. "Tim will kill you"

With those words, Mirana's eyes flutter shut and she slumps into James' arms, her eyes closed as the 9-1-1 operator calls out on the phone, trying to get a response. James puts Mirana in the trunk of his car before picking up her phone.

"Tell Tim Bradford that she'll be dead long before he has the chance to kill me,"

FINE LINE - T. BRADFORDWhere stories live. Discover now