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Mirana watches from the car as the man enters Nolan's house before she gets out of the car with Tim

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Mirana watches from the car as the man enters Nolan's house before she gets out of the car with Tim. They hurry over to the man's car and Tim places a GPS tracker under the bumper while Mirana places one under the hood of the car.

The pair then slip through the open gate as the front door opens. Mirana pulls up the GPS app on her phone to show her tracker is online and Tim shows her the same thing on his phone. Once they hear the car pull out of the driveway, they enter Nolan's house.

"You get the tracking devices on the car?" Nolan asks

"Yeah," Tim nods. "One under the bumper, one under the hood. We can follow him wherever he goes"

"Let's hit the road," Mirana says and Nolan nods.

"No. This is a two-person job. Harper and I got it from here," Tim says and Mirana scoffs.

"Dream on. You go, we go,"

"That's admirable, really, but if this thing goes sideways, we could face demotion, suspension, even jail," Tim says and Mirana shrugs.

"I've got a golden ticket," Nyla says. "Bradford has an unblemished record. Odds are we can weather the storm. Rookies are at-will employees. They don't even need a reason to fire you"

"So I get fired," Mirana shrugs. "I've been buried alive by a serial killer. This is nothing"

"I love this job more than I imagined I could. The day I stop giving it my all is the day I walk away," Nolan adds and Tim sighs before nodding.

"All right. Let's roll. And hope he leads us to the money,"


Tim parks the unmarked car behind a freight container, obscuring it from the view of Jangus and his crew. The container acts as a shield, concealing Tim, Mirana and the vehicle from view, giving them a strategic advantage.

"We're in position," Tim says into his radio.

"Copy that,"

"So," Mirana turns her head to look at Tim. "What happened with Mitch? Why do you blame yourself?"

"'Cause I let him slide on something. It doesn't matter what, just that I cut him a break when I shouldn't have, and because I did, he went back out on patrol, got blown up," Tim says and Mirana shakes her head.

"Don't feel guilty for having humanidad," Mirana says, resting her hand on top of Tim's hand that's resting on her thigh. "Not enough people in this world have it. If people start feeling guilty for having humanity, the world's only going to become harder and colder"

"Rules matter," Tim says, stroking his thumb on Mirana's thigh.

"But we're here right now breaking at least a dozen of them," Mirana says.

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