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7 Weeks Later

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7 Weeks Later

Mirana watches the news footage which is covering the death of Officer Chris Rios which had occurred a few days earlier as she eats her ice cream when a knock sounds on the front door.

"Kojo, stay," Mirana says but the dog ignores her. "Or don't"

Mirana opens the front door to reveal Nyla on her doorstep. The woman had a deep set frown on her face causing Mirana to sigh.

"I'm on maternity leave," Mirana points at her stomach. "This had better be important"

"I need your help," Nyla says.

"Come in," Mirana says.

"What's so bad that you need the over-pregnant lady?"

"Armstrong's a dirty cop," Nyla says, sitting next to Mirana on the couch. "He's framing Nolan and I for being dirty. Evidence has been planted in Nolan's house so he's under investigation"

"Okay, what can I do?" Mirana asks.

"I know I'm asking a lot but Nolan went to speak to Rosalind Dyer yesterday and she's refusing to speak to anyone but you,"

"How strong is the case against Nolan?"

"Almost air tight in the eyes of I.A.," Nyla says and Mirana sighs.

"Help me off the couch please," Mirana says to Nyla.

Nyla quickly rises from her seat, offering Mirana a supporting arm as she helps her friend stand.

"Let's go to the station," Mirana says. "I'm gonna raid the break room for food before facing that whackjob"

"Sounds like a plan," Nyla nods. "How are you feeling?"

"God, we've tried it all Ny," Mirana sighs. "Spicy food, exercise, sex. Lots of sex. But this child does not want to leave my womb"

"Lila was the same," Nyla pats her shoulder. "It sucks but the pay off is worth every minute"


"You really shouldn't be here," Grey says to Mirana, helping her sit in one of the desk chairs.

"Rosalind has demanded she speaks to me," Mirana says. "Considering her prodigy stuck me in a barrel in the ground and I lived, I'd like to tell her to fuck off and that she's a mega bitch to her face"

"You're past your due date," Grey says.

"And?" Mirana raises an eyebrow. "Nolan and Nyla are being framed, I'm not just going to sit at home waiting for this bladder abusing monster to leave my womb"

"Instead you're going to go and confront Rosalind Dyer?"

"Why not?" Mirana shrugs as Tim walks over to where she's sitting.

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