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"Hey," Mirana hurries over to Lawrence, Tim not far behind her

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"Hey," Mirana hurries over to Lawrence, Tim not far behind her.

"What do you want Cabrera?"

"Rude of you to assume- Okay, yeah I want something," Mirana says. "I got an invitation to a wedding today-"

"Have fun?" Lawrence frowns in confusion.

"Let her finish or else I have to deal with her annoyance all day," Tim says.

"Lucy got the same invitation," Mirana says. "The couple getting married is her ex-boyfriend - and her ex-best friend. Second to me of course"

"Let me guess. They hooked up while Lucy was still dating him," Lawrence says.

"Living with him," Mirana says. "So she might be devastated, can you be nice to her for a day?"

"I'm not her friend," Lawrence says and Mirana crosses her arms over her chest, raising an eyebrow. "You can't stare me down, Cabrera, it won't-"

"She will stand there for as long as it takes," Tim says. "Just be nice to Chen for a day, that's all she's asking"

"Fine," Lawrence nods.

"Great!" Mirana grins at him before turning and walking away.

"She's insane," Lawrence says to Tim.

"A little bit," Tim grins as he watches Mirana enter the briefing room and approach Nolan, Jackson and Lucy.

"It is hot as the surface of the sun out there," Nolan says as Mirana approaches.

"Yep. Gonna be like that all week," Jackson nods. "Good thing we're all in short sleeves now"

"The uniforms are still wool. Today's gonna be a nightmare," Lucy huffs.

"You two-" Mirana points at Jackson and Nolan. "Do not complain until you are wearing bras"

"She's right," Lucy nods. "Boob sweat is no joke"

"Boob sweat isn't a myth?" Jackson asks and the two women stare at him slack-jawed.

"Good morning," Grey greets the officers. "We've got ourselves a heat wave, which means what, Officer West?"

"Studies show that a 1% loss of body mass due to sweating decreases cognitive ability and increases anxiety levels," Jackson says.

"Translation: tempers will be short, drug and alcohol use up, so stay hydrated and stay sharp," Grey says. "Now, while the rest of you are baking in the sun, Officer Nolan will be flop-sweating in his very first preliminary court hearing"

"Oh, no flop sweats here, sir. I have reviewed the arrest report repeatedly. I am 100% ready to testify on all the facts," Nolan says.

"Hmm," Grey nods. "Bradford?"

"When did you graduate from the Academy?" Tim asks.

"Oh, that was September -"

"Exact date, Boot," Tim says.

"What's your weapon's serial number?" Harper asks him.

"I don't know the -"

"You need to know the number by heart," Harper says.

"For a DUI arrest?" Nolan asks. "I didn't even draw my weapon.

"If you don't even have your personal information squared away, how could you possibly know the facts of the case?" Harper asks him.

"A defence attorney's job is to screw you up on the stand, by any means necessary," Angela adds.

"Which means everything that connects to your experience on the job is in bounds. Got it?" Grey asks.

"Yes, sir," Nolan nods.


Mirana and Tim walk into the small convenience store where a man is berating another man, waving around a note.

"What's up, Amari?" Tim asks the man.

"Man, this fool took a counterfeit $100 without even checking it," Amari says, handing Mirana the bill.

"I'm dyslexic and even I can tell this is a fake," Mirana says. "They misspelled it hunderd."

"Don't get me started," Amari shakes his head.

"You got a description for us?" Tim asks.

"Oh, better," Amari says, handing them a printout from the surveillance footage.

Mirana snorts as she looks at the man in the picture.

"Come on," Tim says to the employee. "You took a $100 bill from this clown?"

"How long ago was he here?" Mirana asks.

"30 minutes or so. I was at couples counselling," Amari says.

"Everything all right with you and Serena?" Tim asks Amari.

"You know how it is. Baby's teething. We're not sleeping. I'm working long hours," Amari explains.

"Yeah. Well, look, hang in there, all right?"

"Yeah," Amari nods.

"Look," Tim says. "We'll put a BOLO out, cruise the neighbourhood. Hopefully, we spot him"

"Thanks. Oh, hey, I'm still out $100, though," Amari says.

"Unfortunately we can't do anything about that," Mirana says. "If we find this man, you can ask for restitution but we can't give you the money"

Mirana and Tim leave the store, getting into the police car. Mirana instantly cranks up the AC and Tim looks at her.

"I know you think AC makes people soft," Mirana rolls her eyes. "But you do not have boobs that are trapped in a bra all day. So if you turn the AC off I will take it as you hating my boobs"

"That's just mean," Tim says as they start driving through the streets.

"This guy isn't going to be hard to miss," Mirana says, glancing at the photo. "The hat alone is reason to be locked up"

"Hey. Up ahead," Tim says, pointing and Mirana follows his gaze.

"That's the counterfeit guy," Mirana says.

Tim pulls the car up to block the man's path and Mirana gets out, her handcuffs in her hand.

"Hey! Hands on the hood," Mirana says. "Let's go. All right. Spread your legs apart,"

Mirana frowns when her and Tim's phone begins blaring loudly. She pulls her phone from her pocket and her eyes widen as she looks up at Tim who shares the same shocked look.



Mirana looks up to see people sprinting from their houses, a few bags in their hands before piling into their cars.

"What do we do?" Mirana asks Tim.

"Let him go. We got to get back to the station,"

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