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"How are you feeling?" Mirana asks Lucy as she changes in the cubicle

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"How are you feeling?" Mirana asks Lucy as she changes in the cubicle.

"Fine, I suppose," Lucy says. "I feel like the main thrill was the sneaking around with an older guy"

"Horrify Mama Chen even more?" Mirana jokes and Lucy laughs.

"I think becoming friends with you was bad enough," Lucy giggles. "Two days after we met I needed my stomach pumping"

"Then you brought me over to your house and they psychoanalyzed me the entire time,"

"My dad offered you free therapy," Lucy snorts.

"I've never been so offended," Mirana shakes her head, stepping out of the cubicle. "Have you spoken to either of them recently?"

"No," Lucy shakes her head. "They're waiting for me to get a respectable profession"

"Having parents is overrated anyway,"


"All right, settle down. Settle down," Tim calls out to the briefing room. "Listen. Everyone knows what today is, and I just want to say that Team Bradford is gonna dominate once again"

"Yeah, not this year, Blondie," Angela calls.

"You're going down, man,"


"Dominate what?" Nolan whispers.

"The Roundup," Jackson says. "Happens every year when the rookies are a month into the job. The T.O.s sponsor a competition for the most felony arrests in one shift"

"Sounds like fun,"

At Nolan's words, the other three rookies share slightly worried looks.


"We were all there when pub trivia almost got violent," Lucy says.

"Or how about when he lost that shot race?" Mirana chimes in.

"I like a little healthy competition,"

Mirana and Lucy both let out disbelieving hums at Nolan's words.

"Are you kidding?" Jackson asks. "You're cutthroat and relentless. Which I respect"

"All right, settle down," Grey says. "Don't think I didn't see you up in my spot, Bradford. So, I am aware that today is the day where our T.O. units compete for most arrests. Under no circumstance does the department endorse this. Meaning I don't want to hear about your points or strategy. Am I clear, Officer Bradford?"

"Yes, sir," Tim nods. "This job isn't about winning. It's about good policing and teamwork"

The rookies exchange glances, not entirely convinced by Tim's assertion. Mirana shoots Tim a disbelieving look as Lucy stifles a chuckle, and Jackson rolls his eyes at Tim.


Mirana walks through the hallway with Tim as he explains the Round-Up to her.

"We win at any cost," Tim says.

"Didn't Grey just say-"

"He said he doesn't want to hear about it, which is different than saying don't do it. Now, the scoring is like football,"

"Okay," Mirana nods. "I don't know anything about football"

"You watch the games with me all the time!"

"All I see is a weird shaped ball flying back and forth," Mirana shrugs.

Tim chuckles, shaking his head. "Alright, I'll break it down for you. A felony is a touchdown worth seven points and a misdemeanour is a field goal worth three. You still have no idea what I'm saying do you?"


"Alright, just focus on the points," Tim says.

Mirana raises an eyebrow. "So, what's the plan? Just arrest everyone we see?"

"Not exactly. We prioritize serious offences. Quality over quantity. But if it's close, we might grab a couple of easy ones just to boost our numbers," Tim explains.

"I'm going to assume with multiple wins under your belt that you have a strategy?"

"Are you underestimating me?"

"I would never,"

"Good, I have an insurance play in place," Tim says, pulling a wrapped gift from the bag on Mirana's shoulder. "It works like a charm. Follow me"

Tim pushes open the door to the dispatch, letting Mirana go through first.

"Nell," Tim says.

A pretty woman with auburn hair and black, big-framed glasses turns away from the many screens before her, her face lighting up when she sees Tim.

"Hey," Nell says.

"Look at you," Tim smiles at the woman. "You are positively glowing. What's your secret?"

"Um, I hiked Malibu Creek yesterday. You should try it. Good for the soul,"

"I bet," Tim keeps his saccharine sweet smile on his face. "Listen, I saw this at the bookstore yesterday, thought of you"

"That is so sweet," Nell says, opening the gift. "Oh, my gosh. Kilimanjaro! I have been dying to go someday"

"You will," Tim says. "Hey. So, listen, as calls come in that sound like felony arrests, can you send them to us? And not over the radio?"

"Um, that would qualify as favoritism. So-"

"But I am your favorite. Come on. For me?"

"Okay, okay," Nell smiles at Tim. "Now shoo before someone sees you"

"Eres malvado," Mirana says to Tim as they walk into Booking.

"What?" Tim shrugs. "I'm celebrating the unsung heroes of the LAPD"

"But she thinks you're into her," Mirana frowns. "Isn't that just cruel?"

"Look if you're gonna be some Pollyanna on my shoulder all day, I'll be happy to loan you out to clean the drunk tank. Heard there were some heavy pukers there last night,"

Mirana's eyes move to the drunk tank and she grimaces at the state of the room, feeling sympathy for the person cleaning.

"Did I say evil?" Mirana shakes her head. "I mean smart"

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," Tim sighs.

Angela and Jackson walk into the Booking area with two suspects in handcuffs.

"Oh, hey!" Jackson beams at them. "Look what we found just two blocks away. A burglary and a conspiracy lookout"

"Are you here booking someone?" Angela asks.


"Oh. Then I guess we're first on the boards. 14 points," Angela says, bumping her fists against Jackson's.

Mirana looks at Tim with a smirk. "Looks like the competition is heating up."

Tim rolls his eyes. "Let's see how they hold up. We're not even on the streets yet."

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