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Mirana wanders over to Tim as she enters the station

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Mirana wanders over to Tim as she enters the station. He smiles at her as she hands him a Starbucks cup before taking a large sip.

"Mirana, what the hell is this?" Tim asks, taking the top off of his coffee cup.

"A honeycomb mocha," Mirana replies.

"I asked for a black coffee,"

"Well I thought you needed to expand your palette," Mirana shrugs. "It barely touched your tastebuds before you started complaining"

"I'll drink it but only because you bought it," Tim murmurs and Mirana smiles at him.

"Look at them," Angela says to Bishop. "Never thought I'd see the day Tim Bradford drank anything but a black coffee"

"It's cute I suppose," Bishop says, watching as Tim discreetly brushes his hand against Mirana's thigh. "But eventually it's going to come out that they do more than just flirt to pass the time"

"Don't be a pessimist," Angela nudges her friend. "It's sweet"

"Alright, seats everyone!" Grey calls.

Mirana pulls away from Tim as she takes her seat between Lucy and Jackson. They all wait for Grey to speak.

"Per Captain Weatherby, the following protocol changes will take place immediately. No more putting any boots on top of lockers. Any boots left on top of lockers will be thrown away at midnight and noon daily," Grey announces. "Second, every officer must provide a business card to every citizen they contact. If a citizen doesn't want a business card, the officer must write a police report and document the fact the citizen refused a business card"

"Sir, with all due respect, this sucks," Angela calls and people hum in agreement.

"Ours is not to judge, Officer Lopez," Grey says. "Command believes that the captain's focus on efficiency is what Mid-Wilshire needs right now"

The door to the briefing room opens and Captain Weatherby wanders in, coffee in hand. All eyes move to him, looks of disdain on their faces.

"Captain. Can I help you?"Grey asks.

"I need an updated vehicle list," Weatherby says.

"Yes, sir," Grey nods. "I'm in the middle of roll call. I'll get it to you right after. But since you're here, would you like to say anything inspirational to day shift?"

"Did you tell them about the boots?" Weatherby asks.

"Yes, sir," Grey nods.

"Oh. Okay," Weatherby nods before turning to face the officers. "Well, uh - Keep up the, uh, good work"

"He should speak motivationally for a living," Mirana murmurs sarcastically as Weatherby leaves.

Lucy and Jackson chuckle quietly but they quieten down when Grey stares at them.

"All right. Last bit of business. District Attorney's office has a witness on ice. They need our help watching them," Grey says and Nolan raises his hand. "I usually don't assign rookies these type of details, Officer Nolan. And Officer Bishop would have to agree"

"Forget it," Bishop says. "Protection details are like watching paint dry"

"Looks like you're out of luck," Grey shrugs.

"I'll do it. And Nolan and I haven't had a chance to "bond" yet," Tim says.

"Great," Nolan says uncertainly, looking at Tim.

"All right. Bishop, you'll be riding with Chen as Officer Lawrence has taken a personal day. That's it. Oh, and remember when you take your shops in at night, you now have to drive by the garage to get a mechanical inspection and mileage report. You're welcome. Cabrera, hang back a second,"

Mirana walks over to Grey as the other officers exit the room.

"The Chief called me last night," Grey says. "Wanted to talk about you"


"He saw that you had all the necessary qualifications to become a paramedic if you wanted," Grey says. "So he's authorised you to carry a paramedic-grade first aid kit in the back of your shop to perform first aid on any injured persons. Whatever you use during a shift you need to log and it will get restocked in time for your next shift"

"Yes sir," Mirana nods.

"You're joining Bradford and Nolan on their protection detail," Grey says. "In case anything goes south, you'll have your kit"

"Yes sir," Mirana nods before leaving the room to get changed back into her street clothes.


"You up to date on protection detail protocols?" Tim asks Nolan as Mirana joins them, a large bag slung over her shoulder.

"I think so," Nolan nods.

"Okay. We use the "Loser System" named for the losers we protect," Tim says. "L-O-S-R, Listen, Observe, Secure, Report. You listen for any movement, changes or information that impact the mission, observe the subject's behaviour, changes in the environment, et cetera. Secure make sure no threats infiltrate the perimeter, and, finally, report. Report any suspicious activity, no matter how minor, to your superior officer immediately. That means me"

Mirana opens the passenger side door before getting in as Tim gets in the driver's side, leaving Nolan to sit in the back of the car.

"What about e?" Nolan asks. "Loser has an e."

"E is for engage," Tim says. "Which is left out because you are not to engage the subject unless it's a life-threatening emergency. We're here to guard this guy, not braid his hair and be besties. That understood?"

"Understood. I don't even know how to braid hair. I was gonna learn if we had a daughter, but -" Nolan stops when Tim cranks up the radio. "Never mind"

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