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The story continues....

She searched for him everywhere . While searching she found that in the couch that was present in the corner of pub aashish was Lying down by holding a girl's neck who was in her inappropriate dress hovering him . Quickly she went there and pushed that girl who groaned by falling on the floor . She went near aashish who was blabbering something like a drunkard when she tilted to hear what he is saying

Aashish: don't ....touch me... you girl . I will.... not spare you ......

Samridhi tried to wake him but he still closed his eyes and murmured the same thing . So she decided to carry him to her home therefore his name will not be tarnished by the media . When she touched him to carry him she felt his body was so hot . She doesn't know what is happening to him She worries so much about him . She lifted him by supporting his one hand on her shoulder and she held his waist with her hand . They exited the pub with many struggles . After that they caught an auto . All the while he is just blabbering ...

Aashish : rithi.....she ... is ...a .... Bad .....gurl....uh... She... She .. touch .....ing.... touching...... I.... Pu.. pushed....her ....so...I ....am.

Samridhi : yes yes you are the only good boy in the world . So be a good boy until we reach home.

Samridhi consoled him with sweet nothings. They reached her home. She supported him with his arm on her shoulder and made him lie in her room . She went outside to lock the main door . While locking she felt hot Breeze in her nape . She gulped and locked the door . She guessed what would have occurred there . Before she could turn she felt a hug from behind and he kissed in her shoulder . Aashish tightened the hug and whispered ...

Aashish: I know that you know what is happening to me . I can't control myself around you . So please lock me in a room . I beg you rithi.. please....

He kissed her earlobe and started to chew it . Samridhi moaned by drowning herself in his wet kisses . Suddenly he stopped kissing and withdrew himself from her and started to move but a hold on his wrist stopped him . He turned and saw her eyes which were piercing his soul . Samridhi neared him and cupped his face . She stood on her toes and gave a forehead kiss .

Samridhi : you know right that I can't see you in pain .

Samridhi m.v : I am aware that you may forget what is brewing between us today but I won't regret it. Forgive me aashish for taking you granted to create a beautiful memory for me to satisfy my sadist heart for the compensation to leave you .

Aashish closed her eyes with his hand to escape from her black hole like eyes but samridhi removed his hand and dragged him towards the restroom . Aashish has no idea about what is running in her curious brain but he follows her without saying anything. She made him stand under the shower .

Samridhi: aashisheeyy do ... Mm.... Do you trust me right??

Aashish cupped her face with his trembling hands . His eyes which are filled with lots of love conveyed the answer to her .



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