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"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO NOT BITE?!" I yelled as I looked down pissed at the woman whose lap I am sitting on. A string of saliva trailed from Lisa's tongue as she disconnected her mouth from my nipple and licked her lips.

"Sorry, baby." Lisa grinned. I resisted the urge to wipe off that smirk of hers with my fist.

"Ugh whatever. Just don't do it next time."

She then winked at me, "No promises, hot mama."

I let out a scoff before laying myself on her and rested my chin on top of her head while running my fingers through her slightly messy chocolate brown hair. Rays of afternoon sunlight directing from a nearby window in the living room, staining my naked skin while I peacefully breath and observed in awe the many colors in sky, blending together beautifully as the sun begins to set.

"The view never fails to amaze me."

"You can say that again." I heard Lisa reply. I smiled and averted my gaze back to her.

I playfully sighed and rolled my eyes at her, "Hubby, you're looking at the wrong thing."

Lisa's eyes being fixed still on my chest covered sweat, "Oh, I am? Fuck, wifey, it's just that you're so hot and sexy." I felt her muscled arms tighten around my lower back as she closed the distance between our bodies and started licking the sweat dripping down before going back to suck my nipple. Her cock inside of me getting hard again after four rounds of endless, rough, and tiring, but pleasurable sex.

"I love you." I said in a whisper as I circled my arms around Lisa's neck and began petting her head.


"What was that— OUCH! LISAYAH!"

This asshole never learns.

Lisa pulled away from my saliva covered nipple and smirked at me once more. Her eyes, now black, but sparkled with lust and love.

"I said, I love you too."


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