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"Yes?" A woman in her mid-thirties replied.

A little girl who looked identical to her, tugged on her apron as another kid repeatedly pulled on her arm, having matching bright and excited eyes with his younger sister.

"Careful, Mason!" warned Jennie.

"Sorry," Mason pouted. "Can we play with Dad?"

Jennie thought for a second before answering the boy, "Your daddy is most likely resting at this hour."

"So, is that a yes or a no?" the other child named Jane asked with her hands on her hips.

"It's a nope." The children let out a groan in disappointment to their mother's response.

"Pleaseee! It's so boringgg!" begged Jane as her face perfectly resembled an unhappy kitten, just like her mother's when she can't get what she wants. Jennie being wise, only shook her head at one of her daughter's tactics.

"I can be your playmate while the cookies are in the oven."

Mason grimaced at the idea, "No offense, Mom, but you're kinda...uhm...lame. Dad's way more fun." The woman lifted a brow at the supposed fact and released a sigh.

"Okay, you can play with your daddy."

In a blink, the kids dashed off to the way to their parents' bedroom, causing Jennie to giggle with herself as she resumed scooping a ball of cookie dough and placing it on a baking sheet.
It didn't take too long for the kids to come out of the room and quietly closed its door, while appearing to be stifling their laughter.

"That was fast," Jennie commented. "Let me guess, did she go berserk because you two interrupted her catnap?"

Jane smiled, "Oh don't worry. Dad didn't feel disturbed, not one bit."

With that being said, Jane and Mason began guffawing and their mother made a face of suspicion as she put the deliciously baked cookies on a rack to cool.

"Why don't you call your dad, Jane? Tell her I made her favorite snickerdoodles."

Jane gave a small nod and went back to the room; seconds later, she came out holding a hand that's bigger compared to hers, belonging to a tall, sleepy figure.

"Hon! Come eat with us—" Jennie faced her wife and paused with a surprised expression.

"...What?" asked Lisa, who's completely unaware of the drawings and phrases drawn on her face and neck with a black marker, Jane and Mason are not innocent in this crime, certainly. Jennie walked up to her and laid a kiss on her cheek, causing both of her kids to cringe.

"Nothing. Just wanted to kiss you," said Jennie. 'Oh gosh. This is the third time that this happened.'


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