A Cat-astrophe

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Into the misty and chilly neighborhood, the night sky had no single cloud at sight and it brought in the luminous stars and the thin horned moon out to show off their shine. Quiet but the chirping of crickets and the gentle drizzling of the rain as the bitter wind made the trees sway til their leaves fall to the ground. It was the perfect sound to listen for the dozing folks around the area.

Among the area, specifically the streets, was a wondering cat named Jennie. Her age was 2 years old, almost an adult. You might be wondering why was she at the streets during this late time?

Well, you see, her human owner wasn't treating her right. He was in his mid 30s and had a temper and an alcohol addiction. Ever since he adopted her from that pet shop, Jennie became stuck to her leash everyday, she wasn't allowed to walk nor play outside and was forced into strict rules and when she disobeys, she gets hit with a slipper. Her stupid owner would even sometimes forget to feed her; hell was definitely the word to portray him and his cigarette smoke smelling dump of a house. One day, as he unlocked her leash to bathe her, Jennie took the opportunity. She ran away until she could no longer hear the shouts of her owner to come back.

"Oh dear," Jennie thought as she helplessly tried to search for a dry and sheltered spot for her to sleep through the cruel night. What her silky and soft coat used to be was now a damp mess. She hated water.

Fortunately, in an alley, she found a large cardboard box that had a pile of dirty but warm cloths inside. The cat shook her wet body to dry herself before entering the box, rolling and shifting around the pile and curled herself into a circle-like position.

"Hopefully I will not attract anyone with my scent."

The feline thought to herself before she let out a sad and frustrated whine. Jennie curled her body tighter to protect herself and get warmth.

"This annoying heat."


Meanwhile, somewhere at the side of a street, a cat emerged from one of the trash bins, carrying something in its mouth.

"Fuck yeah, this fish is all mine. Mine. Mine. Mine!" Lisa said with excitement gleaming in her eyes. It was evident that she was a stray; she looked rugged and her fur was long, there was a scratch on the side of her face from a time she fought another cat for chicken. Yep, a pure stray.

"I should head home now so I can eat this. I'm fucking starving." Then the cat happily trailed off on her way with her tail waving side to side in the air. Thrilled to have found a delicious dinner.

As soon as Lisa reached her territory, she noticed a faint smell. It became stronger and thicker the more she walked closer. It was coming from her box!

The cat became confused and angry to why her spot didn't smell empty like before she left to find food.
With her ears tucked low, she hunched down and followed the scent trail, then peeked in her box. It was a shivering fluffy ball.

Lisa knew all the fellow cats in the neighborhood, but this cat, she had never seen. By the looks of it, the cat looked way too clean, elegant and delicate to be a stray. From the baby pink collar attached to the neck to her well-trimmed fur.

The scent, it made her feel like she was floating on a flower garden. Feminine and so, so sweet that the cat could taste it on her tongue. Heaven was enveloping itself around her like a death trap and her body reacted with arousal.

Lisa shouldn't. She can't. Her 8 year old self knows that.

The fish was now forgotten on the filthy ground and Lisa stalked inside box as well, wrapping her front limbs around the middle of the unknown cat and her front made contact with the cat's fragile back. A husky and seductive purr grew out of her throat as she licked and nibbled on the other's neck and ear. It flicked in response.

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