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"I no longer desire your sacrifices!" The voice from the volcano roared as it released dark gray smoke into the air.

"Volcano goddess, we beg of you! Please spare us! We shall offer better sacrifices next year! Please! Give us more time!" The leader of the village wailed in despair on his hands and knees to the ground. But to no avail, it only angered her more. The ground started to shake as the village people and farm animals panicked.

"I spared your lives more than enough! Now, you all shall burn and drown in my lava!" The shaking became stronger as the village people begged and prayed on the ground. But one particular person stepped out of the crowd and faced the aggressive volcano.

"Oh volcano goddess, if you wish, please tell us what sacrifice shall provide you eternal happiness and peace among god and man?" Jisoo asked in a loud voice.

To their surprise, the rumbling suddenly stopped.

"What did you do?!" The village leader looked at Jisoo with shocked eyes and a hanging mouth.

"I-I don't know, I just asked—"

Jisoo was interrupted by an unexpected burst of shining light, coming from the volcano itself. Everyone covered their eyes, afraid they shall be blinded.

"Chu!" Chaeyoung, her companion, shouted and grabbed Jisoo's wrist as they both hugged and turned away from the light.

Seconds later, the light disappeared and everyone slowly looked back and gasped at what is now facing them.

In front of them, was the volcano goddess herself. She was everything what the legend described her to be. She was very beautiful. She had long brown hair, cat- like eyes, and a petite figure.

All of the village people bowed down to her in respect.

"G-Goddess of the volcano, i-it's a pleasure to—" The village leader's stuttering paused as the godly woman slowly raised her hand, a sign for him to stop talking.

He quickly shut his mouth and put his head down. Then the goddess walk around the crowd, every person backed away, fearing of what shall she do.

She examined everyone from head to toe, as if she was finding something, or rather someone.

Next thing, the goddess saw someone that caught her eye. A woman at the very back, she had dark, raven hair and bangs, and broad shoulders. The volcano goddess unintentionally opened her mouth a bit, but immediately closed it.

She then pointed at the woman. "You. Come here."

The woman looked surprised, acting hesitant at first, but obeyed her command. The goddess stared at her features with curious eyes, before touching her cheek with her small, warm hand. The tall woman had doe-like eyes, a pointy nose with a scar on her nose bridge, and plump lips. She looked serious and rugged from her filthy, smelly clothes with little holes. A part of the goddess told her she is the one as her gut gave a strange tingle.

Afterwards, the volcano goddess straightened her posture and walked back to the village leader, who was still kneeling on the ground.

"Stand up," she commanded. He obliged.

"I shall take that woman."

Everyone, including the woman, widened their eyes.

"What?!" The woman yelled.

"Yes. You have been chosen to be my mate."

"No. There has to be a mistake."

"I'm afraid not, Lalisa. You belong to me now."

"How do know my name?!"

"Y-you want a fisherman?" The village leader asked, confused.

"Are you questioning me?!"

The man instantly regretted his decision and rapidly shook his head.

"No, no! Of course not, goddess of the volcano. Please, take her if you wish."

She smiled. "With pleasure."


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