A Cat's Call

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10pm; Christmas Eve

Here I am at an outdoor bar sitting with no one's company but who says I don't like it? In all honesty, I prefer it that way. I have been alone in all my life, every relationship I had in the past had an expiration date so I'm used to being all by myself. I learned to love it.

Slow and faint '90s songs play in the speakers as I order another beer after finishing my third one. I look around the tables in my sight, seeing the only customers tonight are an old couple, a woman with brown hair, and me.

The woman is sitting a few tables away from me and I could see she is dressed in a simple, sleeveless, pink dress. My eyes lower with anticipation that I will see more than just her creamy and pale legs, but I let out a growl as the dress stops below her knees.

Before she could catch me staring, I turn my gaze to the dull plate in front of me, which has only crumbs left. Sure, I ate dinner yet I'm still not satisfied. My attention returns to the woman again. I watch her pick up a fry and take a small bite on it. Her face shows no emotions while she eats her fries. Maybe she's bored? Well, I could fix that.

"Kitten." She glances at me. What arouses me more other than her bare and undeniably beautiful face are her feline eyes. "Would you like to come sit by me?"

The woman's pink lips stretch to a kind smile as she shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I'm not interested."

I furrow my brows at her answer. Neither of her hands bare a ring, so she can't be married or engaged.

"Do you have a partner? Will they be eating with you?"

"Oh no, I'll be the only one tonight. I don't have much people to spend Christmas with. They have their own plans." She lets out a quiet giggle in the end and my pants tighten.

I pat my table. "I'll buy you a drink."

"No, thank you. I'm good."

I grit my teeth in slight frustration, but I try not to show it. This woman is hard to convince. Guess I'll have to use my special technique on cats.

"Pspspspsps..." I whisper.

To my expectation, the woman immediately reacts. She jerks up and takes the vacant chair in front of me and brings it next to mine. Her face buries in the crook of my neck while her right hand rests on my abdomen after sitting down.

"What's your name, kitten?" I run my fingers through her soft chocolate hair, petting her occasionally. My arm envelopes her shoulders and I pull her even closer.

"J-Jennie." She says under her breath.

"Mmm, I'm Lisa. But you could call me your wife." I nibble on her earlobe. Jennie gasps and her legs close as her grip on my shirt becomes tighter like she wants to tear it to shreds with those long nails of hers.

She tries to hold back a whimper, but ultimately fails once my teeth makes contact with her neck. I smirk with pride on my chest. I just claimed my territory.

"How old are you, kitten?" My fingers delicately brushed against her cheek.

"Th-thirty-four..." Jennie mumbles and chews her lower lip afterwards together with her eyes shut.

"I'm twenty-three."

After hearing my age, Jennie pulls away from me a little in disbelief.

"That's an eleven years gap! I'm too old for you, Lisa.
This relationship will not work." Her voice rises.

Instead of listening to her blabber, I signal to the waiter for my check and then I pay for it. I stand up and hold Jennie's hand.

"Let's continue this conversation on my bed, kitten." I purr to her ear, causing her cheeks to turn red and her to lightly purr back.



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