Treat Me Like White Tees

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Jennie dramatically let out an exhale from her nose as she stepped out of her workplace's shower stall, towel wrapped around her chest area to cover herself. The Korean took a quick glance at the fogged and dripping mirror to appreciate her beauty.

"No one is at your level, Ruby Jane," the woman said her head, her lips curving into a sassy smirk before puckering at the mirror, sending her own reflection a quick kiss.

"You don't fall for anybody, especially for a coworker," Jennie thought once more and playfully rolled her eyes. That's what the woman had always told herself all her day before she started another day at her profession. And she meant it consistently, everyday.


Loud noises of voices and shuffling echoed throughout the room as people with huge lights and cameras were fixing their equipment and cleaning up the area with bleach and mops. In her personalized chair, Jennie was taking leisure as she busied herself with retouching her makeup since it was ruined from all the sweat from the shoot that took place earlier.

With a compact mirror in hand, the woman was in the middle of applying her red lipstick to her luscious lips when she suddenly heard a deep and masculine voice in front of her.

"Hey, Ruby Jane."

Ugh, she knew that tone like an open book.

Jennie glanced up and saw Kai, the guy who she had just done the said shoot with earlier.

"Hey, Kai," Jennie replied, trying her best to show interest in whatever the man had to say next.

"Listen, I enjoyed our scene back there," Kai stated with a flirty smirk. "Did you enjoy it?"

"Mmhmm," Jennie hummed as she looked back at her compact mirror and swiped lipstick on her lips, barely absorbing anything that was coming out of that Kai's mouth. Don't get her wrong, the guy is good-looking—a charming smile, a 6-footer, a nice physique, but he's just so—

"Was I good, right?" Kai amusedly asked, clearly expecting some form of praise from the woman for his fucking skills. The latter tried with all her might to not roll her eyes to the studio ceiling.

"You were fine," Jennie replied, puckering her freshly red and smooth lips and emitting a bold 'pop' sound. It left Kai dumbfounded, his head gears struggled to register the response he didn't expect to receive.

"F—Fine? Not amazing, or, or breathtaking? I gave you, like, four orgasms!"

"One, actually, if eating me out during foreplay counts," Jennie said as a matter of fact and shrugged, unfazed. It's a delicate and difficult talent to be a master at faking an orgasm but it's actually a simple walk in the park for a hotshot pornstar like Jennie Ruby Jane Kim.

"Oh, but—um, would still like to go on a date with me s—sometime?" Kai inquired the latter. What used to be a confident and cocky tone was now a broken and insecure voice crack.

Oh god, it's a bit sad sometimes how a coworker of hers would react to rejection. But, it's just the way for Jennie here. Profession and dating just don't mix. Plus, she's way happier with being single and independent. People are just way too irritating to deal with nowadays. No one had ever really hit the spot for her.

Jennie inhaled deeply, preparing her firmest 'no' from her diaphragm, but before she could open up her red lips, she heard a loud call of her name.

"Ruby Jane, come here!"

It was her manager, thank Jesus Christ.

"I gotta go, Kai. Sorry, but I don't want to go out with you. Why don't you go... go kiss your muscles instead," Jennie responded with a lazy wave of a limp wrist and got up from her seat, not bothering any longer to hear Kai's response.

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