First Impressions

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Jennie: So, what do you guys think?

Mr. Kim: Think of what?

Jennie: Lisa, of course!

Mrs. Kim: She was very nice and good looking, honey. Oh, if only I was a few years younger.

Jennie: MOM!

Mr. Kim: I don't know, sweetie. Are you sure she's not some kind of gangster or drug lord?

Jennie: DAD!

Mr. Kim laughed and shrugged.

Mr. Kim: What? She has tattoos and looks mysterious, what do you want me to expect? She might be an ex-convict.

Mrs. Kim gasped and put her hand on Jennie's shoulder.

Mrs. Kim: Oh my gosh, honey. Please be careful, I saw her driving a motorcycle. Be sure to always wear helmets, okay? Those things can be dangerous.

Mr. Kim: Oh yeah. Not to mention she wears leather jackets and ripped jeans.

Mrs. Kim: Honey, if you ever see her smoke a cigarette, remember to kick it out of her hand and run away.

Mr. Kim: If you see her do drugs, call the cops immediately.

Mrs. Kim: And say no if she wants to intercourse with you. Marriage comes first-

Jennie: Okay! I get it! Gosh. I'll be fine, I promise.

Mrs. Kim: You can bring her when we go to our Sunday masses or Friday bible reading, we can get to know her more in that way.

Mrs. Kim clapped her hands in excitement.

Jennie: I don't think she'd like tha-

Mr. Kim: Great idea, honey!


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