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The internet is a vast abyss that endlessly pulsates on the coexistence of human knowledge and creativity. It's a realm the size of a universe, maybe even bigger, where obscure and unfathomable networks of the hidden and untold lie beneath the bright surface. Civilizations of known and unknown, light and dark, comforted and disturbed live and blend.

In light of this, a rumor had risen not too long ago about a website entitled, 'Honeycomb Oculus,' belonging somewhere within the depths of the internet. It was said to be a video sharing platform unlike any other, in which it aims to be an outlet of enlightenment and solace, a so-called "sanctuary" for the bizarre and sinister. In addition, the website was extremely elusive and could only be navigated with extensive proficiency and the precisely correct resources.

As a result, the rumor was quickly dismissed and forgotten due to the absence of any evidence aside from the word of mouth. It seemed beyond the scope of reason that this website of any kind had or does exist and has not been reported or removed by the officials. Plus, the dark depths of the internet isn't real and is rather just a propaganda made up to promote internet safety.


Well, that all drastically changed when one anonymous user made a very particular post on a forum.

K41.0000 wrote:

Subject: Experience with Honeycomb Oculus

Greetings. From the title, you'd already be thinking that I am bluffing and totally fabricating this stuff to fuck with you, but I assure you that this is all but a small, silly lie. To start, I'm a frequent user of an online message board (that's old as the early birth of the internet, launched on 2001) and I stumbled upon this post (uploaded a day ago as I type this) of an account called, Almoth, who claimed to a "vlogger" on Honeycomb Oculus and made money off of creating pornagraphic content based on strange fetishes, even briefly describing the website as "stimulating and exhilarating for weirdos." The post had a link attached to which Almoth warned about illicit content.

I didn't give a fuck about the website or anything before that. I didn't even know it was sort of an internet mystery. I simply was driven by boredom and curiosity, and fully thought that it's all bullcrap, but I still clicked. And holy shit. Check this out.

PHOTO < this is the homepage

You don't even need to search the words "porn," "gore," or "death." They were all there on the feed, uncensored and uncut.

I was wasting my time scrolling through, then I saw this channel.


It's called R4L4J, featuring a polygamous relationship (all female). By the looks of their thumbnails of naked bodies, genitals all aroused, faces of pleasure and nectar, etc., and titles, like "Watch helpless girl get dominated," "Training our bitch," "Woman with cock cums intensely from spanking and electric shock," and "Cute pet howls in pain from so much choking," it's evident that they, too, make porn.

I watched some of their uploads and they were, rough, to say the least. Two of the women spoke what sounded to be Korean to the other woman, whom they were roleplaying as her, I presume, "mistresses." Often in the videos, they could be wearing ski masks to conceal their identities (or would just have their heads cut out from view) and latex lingerie, sometimes holding objects, whereas the other woman only had a muzzle, preventing her from talking, and a collar around her neck on.

She would be slapped, choked, pulled, burned, you name it, by said women, even to the point of getting bruised, bloody, and weak.


This is a short recording of one of R4L4J's videos, entitled "Misbehaving bitch gets what she deserves." The two women mentioned were taking turns landing blows on the other woman's back and bottom with a wooden spatula as she bended like an inchworm, groaning and crying(??), turning bright red from the beating.

Yeah, pretty fucked up.

But here it gets possibly more fucked up.


I tried my best to sharpen and brighten the picture, given the bad quality of the videos. At the corner, it looks to be a chain attached to the wall.

And to add to that, I noticed that the woman cries in many, if not most, of the videos, and would even be struggling against their grips and constraints. Take this for an example where she is giving oral to one of her mistresses and a sniffling sound could be heard.


In another video, the woman wasn't wearing a muzzle and actually talked for the first time but in a miserable and hoarse voice. Unfortunately, I couldn't decipher the words and language. Here's a clip. My guess is that she was speaking Thai. But you can listen for yourself and please comment what she was saying. I tried detecting the gritty audio with google translate, but all I got was "stop."


Could it be that the woman was kidnapped? Maybe a victim of human trafficking and was sold overseas? Are the two women really her companions or clients/captors?

I seriously need answers.

But withal, I hope I don't get killed or something lol. I use browser extensions and other applications for safe and secure internet navigation. If I go missing, then that means they're not as effective and authentic as they say they are.

EDIT: I came back to the message board for the link and found that Almoth's account has been removed. Everything has been wiped out and couldn't be recovered/retraced! Wtf?!

fqqLL wrote:

Subject: Just a thought

You could be pulling a leash right now and having a laugh, but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here since you might've just created a huge internet case (and/or helped shed light on a possibly real life organized crime). Anyway, I don't know if anyone noticed, but do you hear the voices of Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, CEO of Chanel, and Rosanne Park, model of YSL, based on the audio of the videos? I don't know, but I think the two women you're talking about here just sound awfully similar to them. Might just be me though.

Wdderp8 wrote:

Subject: Scary yet interesting, hope this helps

Woah. Honeycomb Oculus is actually real?

How long has the channel been uploading exactly? The date on the video you attached doesn't seem too far from a not-so-recent missing person file of an individual from Bangkok, Thailand who couldn't be found for three years now and has been deemed a cold case LINK. Such an unfortunate setback though is that the videos and missing person picture are both heavily poor in quality.

PS. It's terrifying how this significant discovery just turned into air after you made this post. Hope you and Almoth sleep well and guarded tonight, K41.0000.

SHZZOP wrote:

Subject: Might be a coincidence or...

To fqqLL, that's oddly amusing since Kim and Park both have made or done at least one or more BDSM-related activities.

- Chanel releasing a collection of paddles and gloves made of crocodile leather (2014)
- Park modeling for Seduce Him (2016)


It'd be strange, but not entirely shocking that Kim and Park have connections (could be work-related) that link to each other but not in this case, just a theory of mine.


The initial plot was way darker and disturbing and included the concept of making a homunculus.

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