Dirty Transaction

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The water coming from the gray sky was pouring louder and growing heavier. I pedaled in a faster pace, passing through the crowd of honking cars. Upon reaching my destination, my clothes were already damp. I stepped out of my bicycle and let it lean against a wall outside the internet café. The place was old, but cheap. Most of the costumers who come here regularly are unemployed losers and young kids who skip school to play games.

Wrinkled posters of game characters hung on the wide windows and a large open LED sign flickered the word open brightly to the public. I pulled on my hoodies' stings to tighten its grip on my head as I helped myself inside. As usual, the blasting cold flowing from the air conditioner welcomed me and it put me in a shock when I saw how little the number of people were in here, nonetheless I still took a seat in the very corner of the place. I turned on the computer in front of me, my right leg continuously bounced as I watched the screen load. Opening Goggle, I typed the website's name that I needed to visit.


I logged in using my real name, then entered my password. My eyes grew twice its size at the 56 notifications on the chat icon. What the fuck. I had an expectation that all of them were from different women, but when I clicked to check, every single one was from her.

I swallowed a lump down my throat, anxious and scared shitless, seriously considering if I should read the messages.

I was in a hole of contemplation when the number 56 turned into 57. A new message suddenly popped up on my screen.

8:09 PM
Jennie Kim
You're active. Reply to me.

Crap, I totally forgot that this website displays my active status. My fingers shakily typed.

8:10 PM
Lalisa Manobal
hey sry im late. bad weather and heavy traffic.

8:10 PM
Jennie Kim
I don't give a fuck about all that bullshit. You made a promise to finally send them today. I'm sick of fucking wait. I want them now or no money.

My hands hover above the keyboard, frozen. I felt myself go colder by Jennie's response. It was clear as day that she was angry, impatiently demanding to get what she wants. I was scared because I knew I can't make anymore excuses to not give them to her.

I softly exhale through my nose and plugged in my USB into the computer's CPU. I located that one folder full of pictures and without a second thought, I sent to Jennie Kim.

8:11 PM
Lalisa Manobal
>(sent a file.)

Jennie didn't make a reply. I just knew she was inspecting the folder, every bit of it. Every single photo of me posing with my dick out like in those vintage porn magazines of men with rugged and oiled bodies. The difference is I don't have self confidence or a huge ego within myself. I don't think about my looks a lot and I've never had a girlfriend before, I don't know what other women like or what Jennie sees in me. So, just imagine the awkwardness and nervousness behind those lewd poses she made me do.

8:15 PM
Jennie Kim

8:15 PM
Jennie Kim
You have such a nice cock and body. So beautiful.

That one sentence was enough to make my stomach curl in a weird way that I couldn't describe it. Is it the shame? Guilt? Fear? I didn't know. Am I turned on? I wasn't sure. Should I be? Christ, I don't even know what or who this Jennie Kim is. The only information I got out of her is that she's Korean and runs a business. Must be one hell of a successful business as she's on this creepy website for older women and sugar mummies looking for a decent relationship or solely sex.

I happened to be on the website because, to put it plainly, I am poor. I struggle to earn and live to pass through every cruel day. Working eighteen hours a day in a substandard eatery as a cleaner, being treated like shit by coworkers and managers, and constantly groped by rotten men and women.

But wait, who am I to call them those people rotten? When I am literally giving naked pictures of myself to a stranger to load my pockets.

8:16 PM
Lalisa Manobal
thank u

I bite my lip as I typed out and sent my next sentence.

8:16 PM
Lalisa Manobal
do u like it?

8:16 PM
Jennie Kim
I love it, baby.

8:21 PM
Jennie Kim
I just sent money to your account.

8:23 PM
Lalisa Manobal
how much?

8:23 PM
Jennie Kim
$500. You deserve it, sweetheart.

8:23 PM
Jennie Kim
Send me a video next time and I might just give you more, baby.

My eyes widened and I gulped in shock, frozen. I couldn't help but feel tempted yet anxious.

8:29 PM
Lalisa Manobal
i dnt think i could do a video. u gave me lots of money alrdy anywy.

8:30 PM
Jennie Kim
I'm not requesting you to.

8:33 PM
Jennie Kim
I want a video. No clothes. Touching yourself. Minimum of 3-5 minutes. Make to sure to film in a good angle. I want to see your face when you cum while moaning my name.

8:34 PM
Jennie Kim
You have until Friday to send the video.

8:37 PM
Lalisa Manobal
youre asking too much.

8:37 PM
Jennie Kim
Again, I'm not requesting. I'm ordering you to.

8:44 PM
Jennie Kim

8:49 PM
Jennie Kim
Come on, honey. Please.

Jennie Kim
Don't leave me.

8:52 PM
Jennie Kim
I don't like to beg. Say yes.

8:55 PM
Jennie Kim
How does 4 figures sound?

8:57 PM
Jennie Kim
And a ticket to a Blackpink concert, you like that band, yeah?

9:00 PM
Lalisa Manobal
ok ill do it.

9:00 PM
Jennie Kim
That's a good girl. I look forward to watching your little show for me. ;)

What a creep. But, eh, money talks.


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