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Sexy, full-of-rizz, alpha female prostitute, Lisa, keeps a notebook of her experiences with her clients or "owners". Lisa has met different women from different parts of the world, but only two left marks in the Thai's mind.

Roseanne Park

Age: 30 years old
Location: Australia
Duration of ownership: 4 months


- Client was sweet-tempered and soft-spoken.

- Client loved giving and receiving any form physical touch.

- Client was gentle and caring but loved to inflict spanking that ache, nonetheless, client does the best aftercare.

- Client would sing me to sleep after intercourse.

Out of the many women who has owned me, Ms. Park was the nicest woman to me so far. I don't quite understand how a woman like her is alone and unwanted. I still remember how our goodbye kiss felt sad, how I felt 'guilty' for parting ways despite this merely being my job.

Overall rating: 4.5/5

Would offer services again in the future:


Jennie Kim

Age: 32 years old
Location: South Korea
Duration of ownership: 4 months


- Client was often quiet and didn't engage much in oral communication.

- Client was always calm and collected but had the most dangerous outbursts if provoked.

- Client was aggressive and rough during sex (e.g. biting, scratching, choking, etc.).

Intercourse with Ms. Kim is painful. I partially don't enjoy it at all. Her marks would leave me in a temporary state of soreness and pain. I'm not much of a screamer in bed but that bite on my ear genuinely put me through a crisis because I thought Ms. Kim took my hearing away.

- Client is materialistic and frequently bought luxury brands.

Ms. Kim is not at all arrogant and greedy. In fact, she has given me what felt like a collection of Rolex watches when she saw that I don't own a wrist watch.

Overall rating: 3/5

Would offer services again in the future:


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