Skin to Skin

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Wherein the roles of humans and animals are reversed.

(Do note: In this story, animals are just like the size of any human in real life while humans can only grow up to the height of a pencil. Also, humans don't wear clothing. Yes, they are naked and bare just like animals in real life.)

A Cocker Spaniel named Kai has been feeling quite sad for the past days. He began noticing the behavior of his tiny pet human lately.

He thinks she is unwell.

But he doesn't know what's the cause of it.

Her lifestyle is completely active and healthy. Kai always makes sure to feed her fruit and the high quality, nutritional milk biscuits that she likes. He gives her outdoor time too; she would roam around the grass or sunbathe to destress in the backyard. He even tidies her space twice or thrice a week.

It all doesn't add up to her sudden change.

Kai observes his pet human who's inside of her capsule box, lying down in her bed made of cotton and soft fiber. A nest is what others would call it.

A small lump is formed on the blankets as the human bends into a coil on the bed.

Kai frowns when he sees the strawberry in her food bowl that he had given her an hour ago is untouched and ignored.

He carefully pulls his human out of her bed with his paw and gently places her near her food bowl. But it doesn't do much or go the way he expects as Jennie indifferently turns away to go back to her previously spot.

"Why aren't you eating your food, Jennie?" Kai worriedly murmured, caressing his pet's head before looking over to her water bowl. It is still as full as he left it this morning.

There are times when Jennie lacks motivation and energy, therefore inert, just like right now. But during the times when Jennie does feel lively, things become... chaotic.

Jennie would make noise by scratching the walls of her home or emitting noisy wails out of nowhere—for entirely no reason at all, as Kai suspects. Sometimes, she goes as far as destroying her toys.

Kai was distraught when he found his pet one time swinging and tearing apart her favorite teddy bear with her teeth. Large chunks of wool and fake fur flying and littering the floor. He had stopped buying her toys after that.

Kai's mother suggests to take Jennie to the doctor, but Kai reluctantly refuses.

"She's just stressed! I'm sure of that. We don't need to spend money for a checkup. I just need to figure out why she's acting like this all of a sudden. Maybe I can fix it."

Jennie looks so tired and apathetic so Kai tries to get Jennie to play by using a teaser wand.

But nothing. Not even a blink.

The human turns her body to lay on her stomach. Her face is devoid of any reaction—almost lifeless. Kai and his mother are dumbfounded as Jennie starts to rock her hips against her soft bed, her expression slightly contorting into an emotion Kai couldn't decipher.

"Maybe it's about time Jennie gets a mate, baby..."

"B-but Mom—"

"Look at her, baby. She is discontented because there's no one like her here. She is lonely."

"But I'm here!" Kai protests. "I'll always be with Jennie!" Kai has always been close with his loving pet, Jennie, and vice versa. He deeply cares for Jennie's well-being and is unsure about the decision of permanently bonding her with another human. He is confident to think of Jennie as a fierce, independent girl boss.

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