Miami Mayhem

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'Your driver is on the way!'

I looked up from my phone and glanced at every car passing by. I needed to be going now so I could avoid being late because of the usual traffic. The app dinged, indicated my driver is now nearby.

Right on cue, a Toyota Corona car was coming to my direction with a license plate that matched the one on the app. I waved at the car, causing it to pull up in front of me.

I reached my arm out to open the passenger side door but it didn't budge. I glanced at the window and saw the driver's silhouette, pointing at the other door. I opened the rear door and stepped inside in a hurry.

The moment I settled myself in, a weird, somewhat funky smell was in the air. It wasn't sweat for sure, that smells different. Nevermind, I'll just not breathe so deeply.

"Where to?" the driver, surprisingly female, asked with a husky voice. She had a tattered baseball cap on and wore a black bandana on her face for some reason that covered her nose down to her neck, only revealing her eyes and eyebrows.

I shrugged it off. Well, there is a pandemic going on and we should protect ourselves.

"EastWood University, ma'am," I politely replied.

The driver grunted and gave a short nod.

We started moving, but in an extremely slow pace. I sighed internally. Maybe she's still new to the job and can't drive that well. I tried not to cringe when several cars blared their horns at us. I reclined further into the seat out of embarrassment when I saw that we're creating a small traffic line of cars.

The driver made a turn, finally breaking the traffic, but without turning on her signal. I lifted an eyebrow as I looked at her through the rear-view mirror. Okay, okay, she probably just forgot to use her signal.

By the sidewalk, a group of women were walking together. They wore beautiful dresses that outlined their curves and displayed a bit of cleavage. I noticed the car immediately slowed down even more as we passed by them. The driver leaned towards the passenger side window, trying to get a better look of the view.

I let out a cough. "Uhm, I'm kinda in a hurry here."

"Hm? Oh, I forgot you were there," she replied nonchalantly. I didn't comment further and kept quiet.

As we continued driving, a motorcyclist loudly sped passed us so rapidly that I only caught a glimpse of the motor vehicle.

"Motherfucker!" the driver suddenly yelled, causing me to flinch. I could only look out the window, desperately trying to ignore what had just happened.

The atmosphere was thankfully quiet again. I moved my legs to be comfortable when I felt that I hit something with my foot. With squinted eyes, I glanced down only to see empty and crinkled beer cans not hidden very well under the driver's seat. Uhh, anyway... I hope that's green mold that I'm seeing there and not entirely something else.

I looked back at the driver and saw that she had her phone out and was casually scrolling through Twitter while driving. I mentally read the tweet that she had just liked.

TheAmazingTurtleRabbit tweeted:

'Cheap hoes get turned on by simple shit... y'all be like he got tats, dreads, and Wi-Fi with no password... oooooo my pussy wet.'

What the? I diverted my gaze elsewhere as she fortunately put her phone down. I silently prayed to whatever god out there to make her 100% focus on the road.

Not even five minutes later, the driver reached out to her pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, taking one out of the batch. She then lit it up with one hand while the other impressively controlled the steering wheel.

"Uh, excuse me, I-I have asthma..." I awkwardly said.

"Huh? Oh," the driver murmured, bringing down the window. Without bothering to extinguish it, she tossed the cigarette outside.

I stared at her in shock, completely lost at words. I opened my mouth but couldn't find anything to say. I shook my head and sighed. Don't be fazed, you're already near your destination anyway.

We luckily made it to my school on time. I took out some bills to pay my driver. But as I leaned forward towards the front seat, I saw a woman peacefully sleeping in the passenger's seat. Her arms were wrapped around the obvious curve of her stomach.

I think my jaw just fell to the floor. I quickly glanced away as I handed the money.

"Erm, thanks for the ride."

The driver wordlessly hummed as a response as she stuffed the bills into the cup holder.

I eagerly climbed out of the car. "Um, hope you and your wife have a successful delivery by the way," I said before I closed the door.

The driver looked up at me with visible confusion written on her eyes.

"Wife?" was the last word I heard her say before the car door slammed shut and the car went off.

"Jongin! Over here!" my friend called out. I smiled and waved.

As I entered the school, a pop-up showed up on my phone that was from the app.

'How would you rate your experience with your driver?'

Please rate from 1-5, 5 being excellent.

5 stars

4 stars

3 stars

2 stars

1 star


With no hesitation, I typed '0 stars' on the other category.


based on this funny tweet by @sillycellmate:

based on this funny tweet by @sillycellmate:

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