Cards Are Double-faced

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As a South Korean, Jennie Kim had sworn to be eternally loyal, passionate, and true towards her motherland and blood, no matter the circumstance—to solemnly deliver herself and serve while upholding the principles of stewardship and responsibility with the upmost sincerity. And most importantly, that her country is and will always be her priority—her superior till death—her life and soul, figuratively and literally.

It has been officially three and a half years since she had made that very oath to the people, her people as of now technically, after being appointed as Prime Minister of South Korea. By far, things are doing impressively okay for the country. After Kim has sat place in her current position, crime rates have significantly decreased, wages were improved, education and healthcare accessibility expanded, and so on. Overall, the country was able to impressively progress, far faster than any record in its history, ushering a bright and hopeful future in the hand of Kim for the Korean citizens and future generations to come.

Hence, the people loved Jennie. They know her as a kind-hearted and sincere woman who holds charity events, visits school readings, gives an opportunity and second chance for one to try again—who is keen about wearing her sunglasses at any place, even indoors—at meetings, restaurants, and the most formal of occasions, which then quickly became her trademark accessory. However, although being a public figure, non much is known about the woman aside from all that has been mentioned.

Her life, unknown, specifically, strictly disclosed. But it wasn't any of a significant topic to me pry on, let alone to discuss about. The South Koreans cared for and respected their prime minister too much to do such thing. Everyone knew that Kim would have never betray or jeopardize her reputation, career, and the transcending level of trust that they have bestowed upon her.

It all peacefully seemed so.

That was until one particular article that has changed everything...

South Korea's Prime Minister Jennie Kim Seen Intimate With Thai Woman

SPOTTED: South Korean prime minister Jennie Kim had recently travelled to Thailand for supposedly the purpose of leisure, a break from the office, and which most likely served as an advance gift for herself regarding her upcoming 36th birthday. However, it seems that Prime Minister Kim had way more fun than she should be.

According to the pictures and video taken by a netizen, Prime Minister Kim has recently been sighted at a resort, which was identified to be Whispers of Bliss, while on her 5-day stay at Thailand. The resort was anything but cheap with its prices ranging from hundreds to thousands of baht per night of stay. Moreover, it is proudly famous for hosting mind-blowing parties and performances, which aren't shy at all in incorporating exotic dancers to these events.

At broad daylight, Prime Minister Kim can be observed to be drinking alcohol from afar at the domain of her exquisite royal suite's balcony. By evident looks of it, Prime Minister Kim is in the lovely company of another, much younger looking, Thai woman who is sitting at the public figure's lap. It's highly likely that she could be one of these exotic dancers mentioned who perform and tend to the desires of their clients.

As shown, Prime Minister Kim cannot seem to get enough off of nestling and kissing the said woman, which could lead to the conclusion that the woman might be her partner or merely a fling used to escape from the hectic office stress.

Although whichever the reason behind to this incident could be, may possibly cause conflict between nations, specifically between Thailand and South Korea.

The relationship between the countries South Korea and Thailand is complicated, to say the least, tainted by enduring historical tension and rivalry. From territorial disputes and cultural misconceptions to prejudice and economic competition, the two nations don't exactly share a common ground, let alone have one together.

With all the aforementioned details, it cannot be determined if a statement from either party will come forward to address this situation or provide some further insight.


Eleven words. Eleven words in bold typography, nowhere near a minor scratch, are what have plagued the what used-to-be clean and respectable name of Prime Minister Kim in a snap.

Spreading like wildfire and going viral across all various media platforms, the inevitable aroused. The South Koreans cried complete outrage and chaos, both online and out, spilling speeches of protest, disappointment, anger, and most specifically, betrayal. Some have bluntly exclaimed the actions of Prime Minister Kim to the deed of treason and should be held accountable by all means necessary. It has even reached to the point where the people have pointed fingers and poked fun and shame at Prime Minister Kim, saying that she has undoubtedly contracted some kind of STD from being intimate with a "sex worker," especially from a rowdy and dirty country like Thailand.

It all seemed that the Prime Minister Kim's own home has turned its back on her due to her unforesaken actions. And so, how is she exactly coping amid this critical state right now?


"Ohumm, yes, right there, darlin'. That's the spot... ahh..."

"You're so noisy, Miss." A giggle was emitted.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not call me that?"

"It's a bit disrespectful not to, Miss. You are a nation's president, after all."

"Prime minister."

"Same thing. And I'm just a sex worker attending to your suffering and mourning needs."

"Have I ever told you how sexy your accent is whenever you speak to me in English?"

Nothing came next but an awkward and pressuring silence between the two individuals.

Oh, she's being serious.

The quiet air was cut off by a heavy sigh.

"Lalisa, please. Don't say that, baby. There's an obvious difference between a belly dancer and a sex worker."

"Tsk, I know, you dimwit. I'm referring to what your people have been saying about me!"

"W-What do you mean, baby? What are they saying?"

"Ohhh, I don't know—maybe if you would look at your phone, you'd know!"

"And stop with the "baby"! We're not even dating!"

"We're, we're... not?"

"Nope." An unnecessary, loud pop of the letter 'p' was said in the most casual and honest manner as possible that it hurt the heart of the women being spoken to.

"Thanks for the cuddles and kisses, though. But I will have to charge extra for doing those without asking for my consent first. We have a no-touching-the-professionals-at-work policy, so the penalty is paying a fee."




"But, I thought you liked me."

"Aw, just your wallet. And the 15-second fame you gave me all thanks to that guy my company paid to film and picture you while you were hogging me up at the balcony."

Then, it all clicked.

"Y-You, you set me up!"

There was yet another laugh uttered in the room.

"Don't think that the sins of your country have simply been swept under a rug and left to be forgotten."

"Hope you enjoyed the massage because on the bright side, I won't be charging you for that. See you on the news tonight, Prime Minister Kim."

"Ah, crap..." Hearing the bedroom door closed, Prime Minister Jennie Kim could only mutter a single word under her breath as her phone finally returned back on after being force restarted for several days during vacation, loaded with hundreds, if not thousands, of messages and missed calls.


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