Lisa Loves Her Job

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*read carefully

With a bucket in hand, she set foot onto the dry grass and walked her way to the barn where her cows belonged and unlocked the door, opening it. As soon as Lisa entered, all of the cows turned to her direction and stared at her.

Lisa smiled and began letting them out one by one.

"I guess y'all are hungry, huh?" Lisa asked and chuckled as the cows gave a loud moo to her as an answer.

"Alright then, come now. I'll feed ya,"
as the cows happily ate through the trough, Lisa bent down and carefully inspected every one of the cows' breasts to see if they're are ready.

She checked cow by cow. So far, none of her cows were showing signs of milking.

Lisa frowned as she continued checking.

Until she reached the last one, "Ah, I see you're ready, girl. " Lisa let out a whistle as she eyed the cow's undoubtedly tender and swollen breasts that we're positively dripping droplets of milk to the ground.

"Let's not waste any of that goodness on the dirt," while the cow was still eating, Lisa tied a rope around her neck, making sure it's a bit loose, and gently pulled her away from her other cow friends and went to the shed that was several minutes away, where Lisa milks all of her cows in.

As soon as reached there and walked inside, Lisa closed the door and tied the end of the rope to a pipe. She then softly touched the cow's soft and smooth skin until she reached her brown hair, as Lisa did so, her eyes went to her name tag attached to her neck. She must have been staring for too long as the cow let out a moo to her as if telling her to 'focus on your work'.

Lisa snickered and placed the bucket down on the floor below the cow's breasts, "Yes, yes. I'll get to it. Be patient, girl."

She squatted down to her side and gently held the heavy breasts. Feeling the squishy flesh in her rough hands, Lisa bit her bottom lip before lightly squeezing them. Streams of fresh milk immediately went out and into the bucket.

Seconds later, she heard another moo from her side and turned to see the cow staring at her.

Lisa felt her cock went stiff in her baggy pants, "You want it, don't you?" She asked in a deep voice and stopped what she was doing and walked behind the cow.

She rapidly unzipped her pants and brought them down to ankles together with her boxers. Then she spat on her hand and fisted her aching cock, lubricating it before slowly lining herself into the cow's sloppy entrance. A sharp, high-pitched gasp came from the cow which made Lisa more turned on and went faster and harder.

As the cow she was fucking moaned and panted like the mess she was, Lisa brought her hands to her tits and pinched her nipples. She smiled, hearing the bucket below being filled up.

"That's it. That's a good girl," Lisa leaned over and rested her chin onto the cow's shoulder.

"You like being fucked, don't ya?" Lisa grunted, her lower body beginning to go stiff intensely. She pinched harder, her smile on her face growing wider from hearing milk practically being squirting out.

A groan escaped Lisa's lips as she pulled her wet cock out and spread the cow's pussy lips apart. Looking in awe, Lisa watched the hole clench and unclench onto nothing.

She spat on her pussy before thrusting her three fingers in at a rapid pace.

"You're so fucking tight." Lisa moaned. And soon, the cow came with a loud yelp which followed by Lisa taking out her fingers and releasing her huge load on the spent cow's face.

After that, Lisa walked back to her small cottage where she lives in, carrying a heavy and full bucket with a proud smile on her face. She went inside, lit up the fireplace and poured the contents from the bucket into a milk jug.

Using a marker, she labeled the jug as always the date today and the name of the cow where the milk was from.


She's fucked up, if you ask Lisa. Used to be a sweet and smart girl coming from an orphanage, but everything changed ever since she and other orphan girls were used as an experiment and were injected this drug into thinking and acting like a animal, a cow to be specific. She still looked human, however the poor girl barely remembered being one, only knows how to communicate using sounds or whatnot.

So in the end, the scientists contacted Lisa and sent Jennie and the other cows to her farm with only name tags attached to them and a folder containing papers with short descriptions about every girl. Eventually, they were made into milk machines.

But who gives a crap, right? Certainly not Lisa, who's relaxing on her couch while taking a sip from a can of beer.


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