Beautiful Agony

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Jennie's heels echoed as the wooden stairs creaked in each step she slowly took going down, to the playroom. Another night, meaning another time to play. As Jennie took the last step, there she saw her beautiful and delicate wife on the floor.

Scratched and bruised. Panting and sweating. Her hands securely tied behind her back to a pole while sitting and leaning against it. Deliciously naked in all parts except for her erect shaft, that was trapped and locked up in a metal cock cage.

Lisa looked up to see Jennie in front her with her hands on her hips while wearing a prideful smile on her face, "Aww, does my sweetie pie need attention?"
Jennie said as she slowly caressed Lisa's red cheek. Then her hand travelled down unhurriedly, taking her time in touching and teasing Lisa's tensed, muscled body until it reached her trapped cock. Jennie licked her lips as clear pre-cum oozed out from the tip. She gently held it, feeling the weight on her hand.

Lisa bucked her hips with a sigh causing Jennie to slap her across her face.
"You seem to be enjoying this. Don't forget that this is a punishment for you, pet." Jennie raked her long, red-painted nails on Lisa's collarbone, not too harsh, but it was enough to leave an angry, red mark.

Lisa hissed from the stinging pain on her cheek and with a small voice, she breathlessly spoke, "Jennie...please...I need to—"
Lisa was cut off by another hit, but this time, on the opposite cheek. A strained whimper escaped from Lisa's lips, making her quickly realize her mistake.

"I-I mean miss," she ducked her head apologetically and in shame. "I'm sorry, miss. Please forgive me—"

The younger woman was forced to stop mid-sentence and groan in pain as Jennie dug her nails deep onto the side of her neck.

"Are you forgetting your place, pet?" Jennie grabbed firmly onto a part of Lisa's raven locks with her other hand, shoving her nails into her scalp.
"Shall I make your punishment even worse?" Jennie said as she played with the padlock on the cock cage.

"N-no. Please miss, I promise to not do it again." Lisa's face winced in discomfort.

"Please." Lisa begged.

Lisa desperately needed to release her inner beast that was building up in her gut for long days being stuck in this dead, lonely room because of this horrible punishment given from her dear and loving wife.

"Oh, miss, please. Fuck...," she pleaded, hoping to earn a little sympathy or consideration from the brunette, who wore an expressionless face. Jennie stayed dangerously silent for a few seconds before slowly taking out a sliver key from her bra, and playfully waved it in front of Lisa's face.

And using a baby voice, Jennie said, "Is this what you want? Do you want your birdie to be free from that scary cage?"

Lisa nodded, "Yes please, miss. It hurts...please."

Jennie smiled from ear to ear and cupped Lisa's swollen cheek and ran her thumb across her plump lips, "You're lucky I'm in a good mood today," and proceeded to unlock the cage.

Jennie was right. Lisa was lucky. If Jennie was nowhere near merciful tonight, Lisa would've suffered more for a another two days alone in the playroom with no one to satisfy or entertain her for disrespecting her mistress in that way.

Lisa exhaled sigh of relief after the stainless metal was removed. Finally. Her 10 inched cock stood free and throbbed excitedly in the moist air, happy after being imprisoned in almost a week.

Jennie took it in her small and warm hand and gave it a squeeze. Her pet growled at the contact, well, it was no surprise, after countless sessions of teasing and edging, Lisa must be aching and dying for someone to properly touch her.

As Jennie was about to suck the head of her cock, Lisa stopped her. "No. Not like that, miss. I want your...," she didn't need to finish that sentence, the cat-eyed woman immediately knew what she meant, Lisa wanted to skip foreplay and get to the real thing.

Jennie stood in front of her wife and lifted up her dress. A small smile formed on Lisa's lips as she focused on the sexy red lace panties her mistress wore underneath. After Jennie striped off her underwear, she settled on Lisa's lap and carefully guided and positioned her hard appendage to her entrance. She then slowly sunk down, taking the her pet's cock inch by inch, which irritated Lisa.

"Miss...please...I can't wait anymore...,"

Jennie giggled at the messy, desperate sight and raised her hips until it was only the tip inside, before slamming herself back down, taking Lisa balls deep.

Jennie loudly gasped and moaned at the fullness, "Oh, fuck yes! Oh god...," it has been a while since she last let Lisa fuck her, it felt like heaven. She felt her pussy leak more wetness as she began bouncing on Lisa's lap.

Deep and hard. Jennie constantly whimpered as her walls were pleasingly being spread apart to make room for this monster. Whilst being tied up, Lisa shoved her hips, meeting Jennie's thrusts.

She furrowed her brows and said, "Miss, untie me please..."

"What?" Jennie replied, lost at the feeling of the amazing sex she was experiencing.

"Untie me." Lisa boldly said. "Please let me make you feel good, miss? I'll make you reach the highest stars. That you'll wish you'd never want to come back down." She insisted as Jennie looked unsure and hesitant.

But listened to her anyways and untied the ropes around Lisa's hands. As she finished, Lisa practically pounced on her, gaining a surprised noise from Jennie from the unexpected act.

Lisa fully laid on her back before ramming herself into her mistress.

"Oh shit!" The brunette exclaimed and wrapped her legs onto her waist tighter. "Faster, pet!"

Lisa obediently complied and did as she was told.

"I'm close!" Jennie shouted as Lisa leaned in and sucked on her sweaty neck. "Lisa!" she gripped harder onto Lisa's muscular back, surely creating marks from her nails, "Cum with me!"

Lisa's eyes widened in panic as she realized something, "M-miss, I'm not wearing a condom."

"Screw it! Make me pregnant, pet!"


"Do it or I'll cut your dick off!"

Lisa gulped, she didn't want to disobey her scary mistress so she came inside of her, despite being aware of the consequences. Jennie tossed her head back as her eyes rolled back, loving the heat and  fluid filling her. Without a doubt, Lisa definitely took her higher than heaven, she took her to the highest stars in space.

After a few seconds, Lisa pulled out and sat on her knees. Jennie flinched at the loss as she laid there on the floor, sore and weak.

Lisa was still aroused, she fisted her shaft that was wet, mixed with their cum, while observing Jennie still catching her breath and trying to regain back her senses.

Jennie eyed her wife back while panting and smiled as her hand travelled down from her stomach to her red, swollen cunt and spread apart her pussy lips. Lisa's mouth watered at the sinful sight of her sticky cum dripping out of the older woman's hole like honey. Then the brunette inserted two of her fingers and began masturbating in the presence of her wife.

"Lisa..." Jennie softly mewled out.

The black-haired woman moaned at the display and speeded up her hand movements, near her second orgasm already.

"I'm gonna cum, miss."

"Do it, pet." Jennie whispered, "Give it to me."

And with a growl, she ejaculated on Jennie's body. Lisa continued jerking off until the very last drop of her semen landed on her mistress. Using her finger, Jennie collected Lisa's cum on her stomach and brought it to her mouth until there was nothing left.


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