Bodies on Bodies

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Lisa stares at the door before her with hesitation, she glances back at her phone and reads the address again, reassuring herself once more. She takes one last moment of pondering to calm herself, and finally gathers courage to press on the doorbell.

She stands still, looking around the quiet neighborhood as she patiently waits. Still couldn't fathom why she bothered believing it that anonymous text, Lisa thinks if it's not too late to leave.

The doorknob makes a clicking sound, it twists and opens to reveal a tall handsome man. At first glance, he could be some model—a good height, a lean body, an attractive face. Everything. He appears to be around her age too. Probably in his early thirties like she is.

The man's intense eyes quickly light up and his full lips form into a welcoming grin at Lisa's presence.

"Hey, you must be Lalisa Manobal. Come in," the man says in a polietly smooth tone as he gestures the black-haired woman inside his house. He strangely eyes her from head to toe. Lisa feels a bit off with the atmosphere, but enters nonetheless without a word.

"I take it that you have read the text?" the man kindly asks, still wearing a pleasant smile on his face. The stranger looks eager.

"Yes, I have. Were you the one who sent it?" Lisa asks. She recalls in her head receiving a text from an unknown number. It greeted her with her full name, claiming to personally know her, and frankly requested her to come to this address for a 'urgent matter' that needed her help.

Lisa is certainly not a fool, she's familiar with scams and frauds. But her gut was telling her otherwise and she couldn't seem to stop thinking about it.

And so, she decided to come.

"That's correct, I was the one who sent the text. We're glad you made the right decision," The stranger happily says and glances at Lisa as he leads her to his living room area where noises can be heard coming from the kitchen.

"Please, take a seat. Mi casa es su casa, okay? My wife is busy with washing the dishes at the moment. We could catch up on each other while we wait for her. Coffee?" The man sits down on the sofa and Lisa follows. He extends a cup of coffee to her, but the latter waves her hand to his offer.

"I'm sorry, what's your name? I mean, I appreciate your generosity and all, but I don't know you or why you asked me to come here." Lisa tries to not sound insolent or awkward to the stranger.

"You don't remember me, Lisa?" His voice slightly falters, seemingly hurt or offended by the question. The man's frown deepens when Lisa shakes her head.

But his smile returns as he digs his hand into his pocket and takes out a pair of glasses. Putting them on, he then pushes his perfectly combed hair downward, turning it into bangs.

"Does this help?"

A loud gasp breaks out and there's a one second silence as Lisa's mouth drops open.

"No way... Jongin?! Is that really you?" Lisa asks. She spreads her arms and pulls the man in a tight hug. He gladly reciprocates. "It's so good to see you, man."

Lisa couldn't believe it. Going to the same school before, she knew the stranger by the name of Jongin the dweeb, given his nerdy appearance that made poor him an easy target for older kids to pick on.

She could still vividly remember getting a week of suspension for beating up the shit out of one of his bullies, and on the day she came back, a folded piece of paper was on her desk.

The inside had a cartoon sticker of a bear and a writing.

"To Lalisa,

Thank you for protecting me.

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