Who's Your Daddy?

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"Oh Daddy!"

"Please! Oh, please!" I shouted against the pillow, feeling frustrated more and more. Past afternoon, I already lost count of how many times I have begged, cried out, and whined.

"It has only been half an hour of teasing but why do I see tears coming out of your eyes? Hm?" Hearing her comment that, I quickly erased away the running drops of water on my cheeks while uttering an 'I'm sorry' to Daddy.

Half an hour? Oh god. Thirty minutes of just slow love making and whispers of dirty talk. I can't handle this. I reached out my hand, trying to find Daddy's hand in the dark to hold but was stopped by a pinch on my nipple. I flinched, putting down my arm as fast as possible.


Seconds later came her reply. "Hm?"

"Can I hold your hand?"

No reply was said by Daddy but a smiled grew on my face when I felt a big hand embrace my mine. Accepting it gladly, I gripped on it firmly and intertwined our fingers.


I heard a grunt first before she asked, "Hm?"

"Can you go faster now? Please?" I looked over my shoulder, trying to show her my puppy eyes and pout.

"Why should I? Are you daddy's girl?"

"Yes, I am! I'm daddy's girl!" I whined out once more.

"No, you're not," Daddy responded in a blank tone that only added my irritation.

"But I am!" I frowned. I laid kisses all over Daddy's hand and arm, hoping that'll change her mind.

I sensed the bed shuffle a little as Daddy leaned down until her front pressed my back. She breathed out to my ear, "Who's your daddy?"

As I was about to answer, I was cut by my own moan when I felt fingers brushed on my clit. I attempted to speak again but a whimper came out instead with the fingers starting to rub me with such speed and force.

Not receiving a word back, I heard Daddy let out a dangerously low growl. "I said, who's your daddy?"

"I won't ask agai—"

"You!" I shouted. Not in the slightest did I feel that I sounded like a stubborn brat. All I could think about was making Daddy happy with me.

"You're my daddy!"

"Damn right," Daddy said. Her free hand went around my stomach then her thrusts became fast and rough. My whole body shuddered, I hugged the pillow closer to me to lower down my noises as my daddy fucked me from behind.

It didn't take long for me to reach my peak, grunting on my pillow and scratching on the duvet. After unraveling, Daddy pulled out which made me upset. Daddy loves to stay inside of me.

"Daddy, don't pull out."

"I'm gonna cum, honey. Turn around and open your mouth." I did what I was told to do and cheerfully opened my mouth and patiently waited for Daddy's cum.

Daddy moaned and aimed her cock on my tongue right when streams of white liquid began spurting out. As she finished, I swallowed all that she gave and proudly showed her my empty mouth. Daddy had a little smile on her face and nodded, she laid on her back with open arms and said, "Come here and give Daddy cuddles."


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