Candy Cane

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"Come now, don't be shy. Sit on Santa's lap."

Jennie nervously fumbled with her dress before hesitantly walking over and sat on Santa's leg. Santa let out a pleased hum and leaned further into the leather chair while resting a hand on Jennie's thigh.

"Hello, little girl. What do you want for Christmas?" Jennie put a finger on her chin as she eyed the floor and tried to think what she wanted for Christmas.

"I...I don't know, Santa."

"You don't know? Well, have you been good this year?"

"Yes, I have. I've waited so long for you."

"Good. You're such a good girl." Santa said with a deep voice and smiled as the hand on her thigh went up until it was under Jennie's dress. Jennie smiled back, liking the praise, not seeming to mind or notice Santa's hand gesture.

"Santa, I brought cookies and milk for you."

"Mmm, thank you, sweet cheeks. But I'm starving for something else."

Before Jennie could even ask, she felt something hard make contact to her knee. She looked down and let out a shock gasp at the large bulge showing between Santa's legs.

"Santa," Jennie gulped. "Is that a lump of coal in your pocket?"

"I'm not sure, babygirl. Why don't you open your present and find out?"

Santa smirked as Jennie reached out her hand and began unbuckling the thick, black belt and slowly pulled down the red pants. Jennie's eyes widened as a large shaft was released and slapped against Santa's stomach. Being curious, Jennie gave it a poke, causing the shaft to twitch and throb in response, earning a gasp from Jennie.

Santa chuckled, "Since you have been a very good girl this year, I decided to give you a treat. A very special treat."

"What kind of treat is this, Santa?" Jennie asked, referring to the thing between Santa's legs.

"It's a candy cane, baby, but not just a regular one. This one can take you to paradise." Santa replied, hands still being under Jennie's dress and holding firmly onto her waist.

"Really?!" Jennie's eyes lit up in excitement.

Santa nodded in response and smirked, "Oh yes, baby. All you have to do is to follow whatever I say."

"Okay, Santa. What do I need to do?"

"Take all of your clothes off and sit fully on my lap, facing me."

After Jennie finished taking off her clothes, she sat on Santa's lap, her breasts pressed against Santa's red suit, receiving a groan in response. "So obedient. Now, put my candy cane inside your sweet opening."

"I...I don't know how to do this, Santa. Can you help me?"

"Of course. Just hold onto me tight,"
Santa replied, gripping the tip of the shaft and teased Jennie's pink entrance, spreading around her fluids and wetness, coating the tip with it. "This is going to be a bumpy sleigh ride." Then Santa entered, stopping by the tip for a few seconds. The brunette was taken by surprise as Santa inserted the rest into her sweet hole and started to thrust upwards.

"Shit, baby. You're so tight and wet."

"Ohhh! Oh Santa, your candy cane is so big and long!" Jennie moaned and her held firmly onto Santa's red coat.

"Yes...take it like the good girl you are." Santa groaned and planted kisses on Jennie's neck. With the jackhammering going around, Santa's eyes remain on Jennie's face, eyes closed, flushed and whining. Even more aroused, Santa gave Jennie's butt check a spank.

"Do you love it, baby? Do you see paradise?"

"Yes! Yes, Santa! I'm so close! Please don't stop! Oh my god!" Jennie shouted and grabbed Santa's face, kissing aggressively, which Santa didn't hesitate to deepen.

A grunt escaped Santa's mouth as the rutting became harder. Not long, Jennie gave a loud cry of ecstasy. Her velvet walls clenching tighter onto Santa's candy cane, not wanting to let go. As Jennie came, Santa was close on the edge. Santa pulled out and fisted the shaft that was wet with their juices, panting. With a groan, Santa ejaculated and long lines of semen stained the red suit of Santa.

With her finger, Jennie swiped it across Santa's abdomen where most of the cum landed, and she brought it up to mouth.
Jennie moaned at the thick and salty taste on her tongue. "Your milk tastes so delicious, Santa." Santa felt like the candy cane was gonna get hard again.

"Shit. You're so hot, Jennie."

"So do you, Lalisa. That costume really suits you." Jennie winked and pressed a kiss on Lisa's plump lips.

"CUT!" The director yelled, "How many times do we have to retake?! God! Lalisa! Jennie! If you two keep breaking character, I will fire both of you!"

"Y-yes, sir."


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