Grocery Hunk

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I'm doing a little grocery shopping right now since noticed how little the food was when I came home, not to mention how much the kids eat, especially when they're hungry. I brought my youngest daughter, Jane, with me because she wanted to tag along and help me.

I held my Jane's tiny hand in my big hand as I pushed the cart with my other one while we walked aisle to aisle and put many food and goods in our cart.

I wore a plain white shirt that was tucked in my denim jeans with white sneakers, and a black cap. Jane and I almost have matching outfits, but instead of a cap, she wore a cute yellow jacket that's nearly touching the floor.

"Daddy, I wanna get beans," Jane repeatedly tugged my hand as she pointed at the shelf stocked with many varieties of canned beans.

"Which one do you want, baby?"

"I want that one!" She happily pointed at a can.

"Alright, baby," I got the can and place it inside the cart and resumed walking with Jane. After a while, we stopped by the chocolate milk stock so I picked the brand I liked and put in the cart.

"Hello, um, excuse me, miss?" I heard a woman from my left call me so I turned to look at her.

She's beautiful, I must admit.

"Yeah?" I replied. I could feel Jane tightened her grip on my hand.

The woman looked down on the floor as she clutched to her grocery basket clinging to her arm and tucked a hair strand behind her ear.

"I cannot resist the fact that you are so attractive and all so I was wondering...if I could maybe ask for your number?"

I furrowed my brows. "I think you got the wrong person."

"N-no. I'm being serious." She played with her fingers as she stared at me.

"I have three kids, so it's a no. Sorry, ma'am." I calmly said as I averted my gaze away from her. I was about to walk away with Jane until a hand gripped my arm, stopping me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Now please leave my daughter and I alone."

The woman didn't seem convinced at the answer and started to caress my arm. She lightly squeezed my muscles and looked at me seductively. "Not even just...a little bit of fun, hunk?"

"Stop touching, Dada!" I looked down to see an tiny angry looking kitten which is Jane and slightly smiled at her. She really does look and act like her mother.

Then the woman bent down with a plastic and sinister smile as Jane hid behind my legs from her. "Look kid, your dada and I are trying to have a conversation for adults only, so butt off. Thank you."

Once I heard those words come out of her mouth, I tightly gripped on the cart's handle and yanked on the rude lady's wrist, making her almost fall if I didn't hold her. "No one does that to my family. Stop. Go. Away. I don't want to sleep with you. I'm married and have kids. So stop harassing us and live your life."

After I finished talking, I let go of her wrist. I'm pretty sure I left a bruise, but I didn't care. I watched the woman run away as she held her wrist in shame.

I growled but stopped instantly as I felt a tiny hand on top of mine that's still gripping tightly to the cart handle.


I shook my head and turned to Jane and my face immediately softened. "What is it, baby?"

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I smiled and brushed my thumb all over her small hand. "Yeah. I'm fine. Are you okay?"

Jane nodded in response and pouted. "She was mean, Daddy. I don't like her."

I smirked and carried her in my arms.
"Neither do I, baby. Let's go. After I pay all of this, let's get takeout. You want that, baby?"

She clapped her hands and giggled. "Yeyyy! Let's go!"

We reached the cashier and I put Jane down. While the worker was placing the food in bags, my phone rang in my back pocket, so I picked it up.

"Hon, what do you want for dinner later?"
My wife asked.

"You don't need to cook. I'll just buy takeout." 

"Okay then. Order a pizza too, the kids and I are hungry."


I chuckled as I heard one of Ella's brothers shout in the background.

"Alright, I gotta go now. Bye Nini, love you."

"I love you too."

I ended the call, paid for the groceries, and left the store with each hand occupied with 2 bags of groceries, so I told Ella to hold on to my arm while we walked to my parked car.


"Jennie, don't be mad. Of course I said no to her."

"Good. Because only I can touch this body of a hunk," Jennie smiled as she ran her hands everywhere on my naked upper body as she nibbled on my earlobe.

I let out a grunt as I hugged her tightly and started grinding my hard bulge on her.


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