The Siren's Song To The Fool

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The merciless waves were like a stampede of buffalos. They ascended and descended, pushed and pulled with force as I used all the remaining strength left in my body to haul my boat towards the shoreline. By the time I reached land, I was exhausted, but relieved to have made it.

Upon the warm hue of golden sand blended with a society rocks and shells, my naked feet hissed and burned from each weary step I took. The blinding rays of the fiery ball in the sky grinded onto me. Crawling and nearly stumbling, I flopped myself to the ground under an abundance of shade by the rustling trees. My eyes' curtains fluttered shut as I let fatigue and lassitude consume me whole, replacing the real world with the blackest of black.

I slowly regained consciousness, every muscle was unpleasantly tense and numb, only God knows for how long I was passed out. Something didn't sit right though, I looked down to my upper body and my shirt was gone. My brows furrowed in a crooked line as questions began to cram my mind. As if it magically disappeared into thin air, but that's not possible.

I hugged myself as the breezy wind teased and danced on my exposed skin. Siting up, I stared at the waves overlapping one another, creeping its way to shore with a hiss before sliding back and repeating. In the distance, was a thing rolling with the ocean. I squinted my eyes to get a better view and then my heart sank.

Leaping to my feet, I swiftly ran and stopped dead in my tracks as I watch my boat being carried off by the waves far, far away. In anger, I started to kick and shout at the water.

I stood there with hands clenched while glaring grimly at the water, like I was expecting an apology or explanation from it. I let out a sigh and decided to dismiss it and just scavenge anything I can find on this island that could help me survive.


The sun was coming to a dive, setting to take a rest from a day of labor. Vivid colors of red, yellow and orange stretched across the horizon, its fresh brush strokes and techniques boasted an effortless work of art on a canvas made by a talented painter. I witnessed it from where I had slumbered earlier. I remained close to the crinkling and popping bonfire I had put together to keep cozy for the night. And with a stretch and yawn, I snuggled onto the bed of leaves and sticks and went limp as sleep filled me in.

Being half awake, my ears perked up at a voice singing from afar. I rose, fully awoke and frightened at the unforeseen sound. I came to a proper stand, looking and searching frantically for its source. It only grew louder as I walked towards the shore. The voice, it was mellow and angelic, it must be belonging to a female.

Grateful for the radiant moonlight, my narrowed eyes caught a strange bump peering out of the water. Observing intently, I gaped when it moved to my direction. It peeked out more and I breathed in a gasp as it was revealed to be a woman's head. The waves didn't bother with her slow movements. My mind was screaming to sprint away from her but I stayed glued on where I stood, listening to this woman or bizarre creature sing and waiting for her to do something.

Suddenly, her singing and walking came to an end when the water only reached her knees. My face molded into an unreadable expression when I saw her wearing my shirt, which was too big for her. My head tilted to the side in confusion and not fear. Our eyes watched each other silently, unblinking.

"Hey beautiful!" I said with a loud and clear voice to her. Instead of responding, she offered her hand to me, like she was inviting me to be with her.

"What?" I asked.

She motioned to me to come closer. Without giving much thought to it, I sauntered to her. The bitter and chilly water swished and splashed as I dragged my feet. I was taken by surprise when she trailed a wet and icy-cold finger from my bare chest to abdomen.

Her lips parted and then she began singing again. Her alluring and sweet voice hypnotized me into a deep trance, I relaxed and focused on the woman. I lost all attention and awareness to my surroundings, but her.

She leaned in to my neck and gave it a tiny lick, before biting me unexpectedly. I jerked and groaned in pain as I couldn't do anything for I can't move or anything, as if this woman put a spell on me.

"What—What are you doing? I muttered under my breath.

I felt her lapping on my oozing blood and bite once more. My vision went fuzzy and messy and I became lightheaded. Everything in me couldn't function properly and then I abruptly lost balance and darkness invaded my sight.


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