Chapter 3

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-authors note- warning smut so if you don't like smut then don't read this chapter. I don't usually write this sort of stuff so sorry if it's bad.

-Soap's Pov-

I woke up on Ghost, my head on his chest, I rubbed my eyes to get the sleep out of my eyes. I tilted my head up to look at his face, his eyes were closed, I sighed and reached out to stroke his cheek "sir... you awake?" I whispered. "I'm half asleep Mactavish" he replied sleepily. "Sorry didn't mean to wake ya sir" I apologized. "Nah I was already half awake before you woke up don't apologise" he whispered. "Course you were..." I chucked

"Fuck I'm still tired" I groaned. I buried my face in his chest. "I'll wake you up" He said with a hint of amusement in his voice. I looked up at him "how?" I asked.
He rolled me off him and I gave him a confused look "what ya doing l.t?" I asked tilting my head to the side. He then unbuckled his belt. "Johnny you do the same" he said casually. I looked shocked.. what? What was he doing? I slowly unbuckled my belt as he unzipped his camouflage trousers. I then let my trousers drop "what are we doin L.t?" I asked as he held the waistband of his boxers "I need your consent to proceed" he said calmly. I slowly nodding my head yes. "I need your word Johnny" he demanded. "Y...yes... you may proceed" I stammered.

He smirked behind his mask. He then let his boxers drop to around his ankles. My eyes wandered down, I caught a glimpse of his cock. "Fuckin hell sir...I wasn't expecting that" I whispered. "What! You expected it to be tiny?" He asked slyly. I looked away in embarrassment, I felt myself get hard. "Fu-ck" I whispered. "Take em off Johnny"
I then grabbed the waistband of my boxers. I gasped when the cold air hit my crotch.

"Now up against the wall" ghost demanded. I obliged and stood facing the wall. A waited in anticipation. Then ghost stuck his fingers in my mouth. A let out a startled gasp. Once he was happy his fingers were well lubricated, he removed his fingers from my mouth then moved them towards my entrance and started to tease me by rubbing the outside of my entrance. "Fuckin tease" I whispered causing him to chuckle. He inserted the first finger. I let out a moan and my breath hitched in my throat. He Inserted the second finger and scissored them apart, I let out a breathy moan my breath becoming faster. He then gently inserted the third and final finger spreading me apart. "Fu-ck~" I moaned. He then removed his fingers from my hole. I whined as he did, he then lined up with me then without warning thrusted himself into me. I soon became a mess of breathy moans and whines. "You feel so good~ more~" I moaned. I felt embarrassed for being this vulnerable but it felt so good. He pulled out half way before thrusting back in. My legs gave way and he grabbed my waist to hold me up "faster~" I moaned. He chucked, a soft moan escaped his lips. He then thrusted faster hitting my sweet spot head on. I felt close to my release "I'm so close~" I softly moaned. He lifted up his mask to the bridge of his nose and kissed my neck causing my need to release increase. "Cum for me Johnny" he whispered seductively into my ear. My body relaxed and I came into the wall. He kept thrusting causing me to feel overstimulated. Then I felt him cum inside me. We rode our highs together before he pulled out. "Fu-ck you felt great Johnny" he moaned.

He helped me clean up and I lent against him as he cleaned me up.
"Thanks..." I said a little embarrassed. He chucked at my reaction "no problem Sargent." He said calmly.

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