Chapter 38

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-soap's Pov-

I had finally been let out of the hospital I walked down the streets until I reached the accommodation block. I walked inside. I looked around and no one was in the entrance hall. I walked into the common room and was instantly tackled by Ghost. He was hugging me tightly.

"Johnny!" He said as he hugged me. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I placed my hands on his hips. "Thought we lost you!" Ghost said. I hugged him tightly. "I'm okay" I whispered softly to him.

We sat on the sofa together and I lent against Ghost and fell asleep. Ghost wrapped an arm around me.

-------------------time skip-----------------

The whole task force was playing football against some recruits. I kicked the ball to Ghost who then kicked it to p

I was running towards the goal when a recruit ran straight into me and we both fell to the floor.

"He did it on purpose!" The recruit screamed. I held my ankle as it was hurting. I glared at the recruit. "If you were watching where you were going maybe you wouldn't have ran into me!" I yelled back. The recruit gave me a death stare and I gave him one straight back.

"Just you wait! You won't last much longer Sargent!" The recruit spat at me and my anger started to boil. "Is that a threat?" I yelled at him. I gritted my teeth.

Suddenly the recruit looked scared and started to back away.
"Don't you dare threaten my Sargent. You ran into him so you will apologize to him" Ghost growled.

"I... I'm sorry!" The recruit said before running off.

-------------------time skip-----------------

It was a movie night for the task force. We were watching a horror film. I was sat in ghosts lap. Gaz had ran out screaming when there was a jumpscare.

I was laughing at price who was hugging a pillow and trying to hide behind Nik. Alejandro and Rudy had come to visit us and Rudy was hugging Alejandro tightly and shaking like a leaf, Alejandro had found this and had started to laugh and we had been confused as he started to laugh when there was a jumpscare so we thought he had gone mad.

I hugged Ghost tightly and wouldn't let go. "Scared Johnny?" Ghost teased. I rolled my eyes and gave him a playful slap "in your dreams mate" I chuckled.

Gaz had ended up returning but left crying when his favourite character had been killed. We had all laughed at him. Ghost squeezed me around my waist and held me close as I started to drift off to sleep.

"I think I'll take him to bed" Ghost whispered picking me up bridal style. "Good night you two" everyone said.

Ghost carried me into his room and he laid me on his bed and climbed in next to me and we fell asleep together.

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