Chapter 27

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Warning: smut

-soap's Pov-

I woke up to Ghost straddling me as he shook me awake. "Damn It Johnny! I was about to drag your ass out of bed" he said. I smiled up at him. "Sorry sir, I was having a good dream" I whispered. "What was it about?" He asked curiously. "You" I said simply.

He blushed. "Me? W...what were we doing?" He asked. "Oh? We were doing stuff" I teased. "Stuff?" He asked his face getting extremely red. "Yes! We...we were fucking in my dream!" I said "now let me get back to my dream" I mumbled trying to get back to sleep.

He slapped me awake "not a chance!" He said, his face was red.

-------------------time skip-----------------

I was stood on a hill looking over the city. I was waiting until it became day, as that was when the mission would start.

I hadn't heard him walk over. I just kept watching the city not aware of anyone being behind me.

Then I felt my back being pressed against someone's chest. I shuffled my hips too get comfortable. "D... don't move so much..." Came a breathy voice. That's when I felt it. He had an erection. "G... ghost..." I whispered.

Price walked over to us. "I'll take over from you soap. You can go rest if you want" price said.

Ghost picked me up and walked me into a forest. "Permission Johnny~" Ghost whispered into my ear. "Yes~ ghost~" I whispered back.

He started to strip me off my clothes and I striped him of his clothes. I saw his erection and I blushed. "I'm already prepared Simon~" I whispered turning my back to him and putting my hands on a tree.

He aligned himself with me and inserted himself into me. He started to thrust "ah~ Mmph~ hng~" I moaned. "You feel so good Johnny~" ghost moaned, it was so sexy the way he moaned.

"Fuck me so bad~" I moaned as he bottomed out. He hit my prostate head on a moaned loudly.

Ghost covered my mouth with his hand "shh" he whispered. He bottomed out again. I pushed myself back onto him. "Impatient are we?" Ghost chuckled slightly thrusting faster.

I felt myself get hard. He pushed me against the tree. I whined as I submitted to him. "Fuck harder sir~" I moaned.

-------------------time skip-----------------

We had been going for half an hour. "Yes! Yes yes! Fuck me please don't stop!" I moaned.

He chuckled slightly. He thrusted faster. "Your handling this well Johnny" he whispered seductively into my ear. I whined.

"Fu-ck~" I moaned "you feel so good S...sir". I felt my legs starting to go weak. I came into the tree and the ground. Ghost then came inside me not long after.

He did one last thrust that caused my legs to give out and ghost wrapped his arms around my waist holding me up as he pulled out.

I was breathing heavily as Ghost cleaned me up. He then carried me bridal style to the tent.

We then fell asleep together. Well ghost stayed awake and rubbed my back, he said he wasn't tired but I knew he was.

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