Chapter 26

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-Ghost's Pov-

It had been a rough mission but we had made it out alive. I couldn't wait to see Johnny. He would be so happy to see me.

-------------------time skip-----------------

I entered the building and searched for soap. Where was he. I was expecting him to run at me and tackle me.

Why was it silent? Why wasn't it filled with the sound of soap yelling that I was back? Something was up and I wanted to figure out what.

I walked around searching for him. Then I found him in the kitchen eating ice cream.

"Johnny! What are you doing! You just lost the weight! You don't want to gain it again" I yelled running and taking the ice-cream tub out his hands.

"Give that back!" He snapped at me. I froze at the sound of his yell. "Johnny...what happened..." I asked.

He slapped me. "Don't fucking play dumb!" He yelled at me. And I took a step back my eyes filling with tears "Johnny..." I went to say but he cut me off.

"How fucking dare you play with my feelings" he yelled "how dare you treat me like a fling! I loved you!"

I looked shocked. A fling? Is that what he thought I saw him as?

"I loved you! Well I don't anymore" ye screamed at me before walking away.

-------------------time skip-----------------

I had been in my room crying for the last hour. A fling. He thought I saw him as a fling.

But oh how much I love him. He doesn't love me anymore...

I cried harder. What happened? Why would he think that?

-------------------time skip-----------------

I walked into the common room and saw Johnny. My hands were shaking badly. I sat on a sofa.

He didn't even look at me. My heart broke. Why would he think that? I love him with my whole heart.

I had a mental breakdown, tears streaming down my face. Soap looked at me his eyes softened slightly but he carried on ignoring me.

-------------------time skip-----------------

I stayed curled up on the sofa. I didn't want to move even though it was two in the morning.

I heard Soap going to the kitchen. "No more ice-cream!" I said from the sofa. I heard him scoff. "I'll eat what I want" he said.

"No literally there's no more ice cream" I said and I heard him groan. "Fine I'll have...a...bowl of cereal..." He mumbled.

-------------------time skip-----------------

I'd had enough of this. I wanted to know why he thought he was just a fling to me.

I walked into the kitchen. It was early morning around five o'clock meaning we were the only ones up.

I grabbed him by his shoulders and pinned him against the wall. His eyes widened in surprise. Then he tried to fight me off.

I didn't let up and kept him pinned. "We need to talk I'm tired of the silent treatment" I said calmly. "I don't want to talk to you" he spat.

"I don't care we're going to talk and get to the bottom of this" I ordered. He tried to push me off again but he failed.

"Why do you think you were just a fling to me?" I asked keeping him in place. He looked me in the eyes trying to read my emotions. "T...the general said..." He whispered "the general said...I was just a...fling to you..."

I groaned "and you believed him?" I asked annoyed. He nodded "yeah... it's not like you actually love me" he said.

I let go of him and threw my hands up in frustration. "God your so damn stupid!" I exclaimed.

I left and gave him some space.

-------------------time skip-----------------

-soap's Pov-

I was walking around when I bumped into the General.

"Ah MacTavish" the General said "I heard your not talking to Ghost" he chuckled.

"No..." I whispered quietly. I started to fidget with my hands. Then the General pinned me against the wall. I froze to scared to move.

"You know he sees you as a fling" the General whispered in my ear "I could give you the love you deserve MacTavish".

I shook my head "I don't like you " I whispered. I heard footsteps coming out way.

"General get your hands off my Sargent!" Came Ghost's voice. The general chuckled "awh look who it is. Lieutenant we know Sargent MacTavish here is just a fling to you" I looked away from the both of them.

-Ghost's Pov-

Hearing the General say those words made my blood boil. "Actually he's not just a fling to me" I said trying to stay calm "he is my Sargent. My best friend. The love of my life. And my soulmate"

Soap looked at me in surprise. "I'm just not good with emotions. But if I see you touch him inappropriately again I'll make sure you get court martialed" I said threateningly.

The General let go of soap. "You think you can threaten me?" The general said. "Not a threat. But a promise. You believe that because of your rank that you are untouchable. Reality check, your not" I growled "get away from my lover!"

The general left without another word.

-soap's Pov-

I looked at Ghost. My heart broke at the thought of how much I must have hurt him. I had told him that I no longer loved him when he actually had feelings for me. Had I broke his heart? Had I pushed him away?

Please don't tell me I messed up my relationship with him...

He was walking towards me and I froze. I looked into his eyes. "Johnny..." He said calmly.

He pinned me to the wall. Not again...

He looked me in my eyes. "What is it with people and pinning me against a wall?" I asked. He chuckled and kissed me.

My eyes widened but I kissed him back. His tongue slipped into my mouth. I grabbed his hips pulling him close.

I rubbed his sides. He squirmed a bit. "J... Johnny" Ghost said between breaths. I was making him feel things.

He picked me up and took me to his room. After some time we both fell asleep.

I hugged him tightly as I slept.

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