Chapter 35

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-ghost's Pov-

I pushed Gaz off and started to run, not caring about the wires I was connected to. My only thoughts were soap and how I had to save him.

I ran down the corridor. I kept reading the signs to see where the surgery was.

I felt like I was racing against the clock.

-------------------time skip-----------------

I saw a room with the sign saying 'surgery' that must be where soap was.

I ran towards the door and barged in.

My eyes widened when I saw the scene in front of me.

Soap was on the operating table, doctors were manually making him breathe. My eyes filled with tears. I felt Gaz and a doctor holding me back.


I tried to get out of Gaz's grip. It felt like the walls were closing in on me. My vision dimmed a bit.

I broke free from my restraints and ran to Soap's side, the doctors and nurses looked terrified.

I cupped his face in my hands and held his face.

"Johnny..." I whispered "don't leave me...I love you too much for you to leave"

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