chapter 11

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-authors note- smut warning. Drunk sex.

-Ghost's Pov-

Hickeys. My neck was covered in them. Little bite marks littered my neck. I hid them while at work. I was now sat in my office doing paperwork. Soap walked in. "Got any alcohol?" He asked. "In the cupboard" I said not looking up from my paperwork. "Want some?" He asked me. "No I'm on duty. I can't" I said blankly. "No fun" he muttered.

He took a bottle and Sat down in front of my desk. Those won't be finished by morning will they." He asked taking a swig of beer. "They won't if you keep distracting me" I said finishing another paper. "Someone's in a mood" He teased. "No I'm not" I grumbled, in all honesty I kinda was but it wasn't because of Johnny, it was because I loved him but I felt like I couldn't be with him as I'd probably hurt him.

He downed the bottle of beer. "You'll be drunk soon if you keep that up" I groaned. Soap hiccuped and laughed, his laugh made my face flush red behind my mask.

He kept drinking, of course he would. I finished my paperwork and sat back staring at him. "Your definitely drunk Johnny" I said shaking my head. "Aye" he said his words slightly slurred.

I watched the clock. I sighed a breath of relief once I was off duty and I snatched the beer from soaps hand. And I finished the bottle off. I let out a sigh my thoughts were a little fuzzy but I was more sober than soap who was now dancing in the middle of my office. "Drunk bastard" I mumbled. I grabbed another bottle and drank the full thing.

My head was spinning a bit. My breathing had become uneven. Soap's dancing was turning me on. "Stop dancing before I start wanting to fuck you" I growled. "What if I want you to fuck me?" He asked with a wink. "Your drunk I doubt that hardly classes as consent" I said. "I could write my consent down if that works?" He chuckled as he started to grind on my lap. My body instinctively reacting.

My breathing became irregular and fast. "Stop" I commanded. He kept grinding and I drank more beer. "Stop it Johnny. I really want to fuck you now" I whispered. That's when he grinded straight onto my crotch causing me to moan. "I want to fuck you sir" soap whispered seductively. "Write your consent then" I chuckled. He did as I said and I took off my clothes and made sure my office door was locked. "I'm topping this time" soap said taking his clothes off.

I walked over to where he was sat. "What about preparation?" He asked. "I had some alone time  this morning so I'm already pretty stretched out" I said lining myself up and sitting on his cock. He slipped inside and I moaned. "Fu-ck Johnny~" I moaned softly.

He started to thrust hitting my sweet spot head on. He thrust faster and faster. He kissed my neck giving me another hickey. "You taste so good Simon" he moaned. His hand went to my cock and started to rub it as he thrusted himself into me. I felt euphoria, it was bliss. My eyes flickered slightly before rolling back. There was this feeling in my chest. It was warm and cozy.
Was it love?

He came inside me but I didn't stop. His body became overstimulated. He moaned and kissed my neck leaving another hickey. Then I came and we rode our highs together.

He licked his hand clean and my eyes widened. He then swallowed the cum he had just licked off his hand. My mind went blank and I whimpered.
Why did that action cause a reaction?

I grabbed some paper towels and started to wipe his cock. "It's all over you Johnny..." I whispered. "I'm a mess sir~" he moaned his words slurred.

I put his clothes on and carried him into my room. I curled up in bed with him and we both fell asleep.

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