Chapter 28

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-soap's Pov-

It had been a rough day. I had to fill out paperwork. It was boring as hell. Now I had to train recruits.

I walked down the corridor to the training room. I was in my uniform. Black camo trousers and a black top.

I opened the door to see chaos. Recruits were everywhere. "Oi! Listen up!" I commanded. No one listened.

I took a deep breath. "Listen up!!" I shouted again. Still no one listened. I started to get frustrated. "LISTEN UP!" I screamed.

The room fell silent. "Good" I sighed. They were all looking at me. "I want you all to go to the obstacle course and do some training" I instructed.

No one moved. Then one recruit stepped forward. "Make us" the recruit said. I moved towards him only to be pushed back. I scowled "who do you think you are!" I asked annoyed.

"None of your business" the recruit said. I frowned. "I won't ask again! Get to training" I commanded. "As I said." the recruit said again.

"I'm your Sargent!" I shouted. "You? A Sargent?" The recruit scoffed "don't kid yourself! Your not a Sargent! Your just another recruit playing pretend."

I'd had enough of this recruit. I stepped towards him again, and he pushed me back. "You wouldn't be doing this if I was Ghost" I said. The recruit laughed "well you ain't Ghost so we won't listen" he said snugly.

I growled in frustration. "You will listen to me if you like it or not!" I shouted. The recruit pushed me again. "We don't have to listen to a recruit like you!" He said ignorantly.

I was getting frustrated. This had to stop one way or another.

Some recruits were throwing stuff sone were arguing and shouting.

I glared at the recruit that had been pushing me. He had a smirk on his face.

I clenched my jaw. Fuck this recruit was insufferable.

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths to compose myself.

"I won't ask again." I said trying to stay calm " you either go and train or I'll make regret disobeying me."

He smirked again "as if you can make me regret disobeying you"


The recruit didn't look as confident now. His eyes were wide with fear. Every recruit was scared of Ghost.

"W....wait...what are you doing?" The recruit stuttered. Now it was my turn to smirk.

The familiar sound of Ghost's combat boots hitting the floor filled the room. All the recruits had fallen silent again.

"What is it MacTavish?" Came Ghost's gruff British accent. I smirked widely. "We have a recruit disobeying my orders sir" I said.

"Hm?" Ghost hummed "can't handle it yourself Sargent?"

The recruits eyes widened even more when ghost revealed my rank. "I tried sir" I said calmly "but he kept pushing me and calling me a recruit."

"Hm" ghost hummed again "so you need me to come and help you huh?"

"Yeah" I said. I kept looking between Ghost and the recruit.

Ghost then stopped in front of me and the recruit. "You need my help, my little damzel in distress!" Ghost teased. I glared at ghost. "Damn you!" I said annoyed "can you do something to make him listen?"

Ghost then chuckled. "Recruit what's your name?" He asked.

The recruit then gulped "Carter...Nile Carter...sir..." The recruit whispered.

"Louder I can't hear you!" Ghost said.

"Carter. Nile Carter sir" the recruit said a bit louder.

Ghost nodded slightly. "Ah yes recruit Carter." Ghost said "I see you are disobeying Sargent MacTavish" ghost looked at Carter with a stern look.

"I...I...I didn't know he was a Sargent...I thought he was a recruit..." Carter stuttered.

"A recruit?" Ghost said the playfulness leaving his voice "MacTavish here is apart of a task force. 141 to be exact"

The recruit looked down in shame. "and you will be wise to obey him next time." Ghost said

"Yes sir. It won't happen again" the recruit said.

"It better not" ghost said sternly "now go outside and start training and don't stop until nightfall"

The recruit then left to start training. Ghost then turned to me.

"Thank you sir" I said "he was a bit ignorant." I walked over to ghost and wrapped my arms around his waist. I lifted his mask to reveal his mouth and I kissed him.

Ghost smiled slightly then pulled away and walked back to his office.

-------------------time skip-----------------

"Run faster! Being this slow is going to get you killed on the front line!" I shouted at the recruits "up and over! It's the easy part!"

I gave a frustrated sigh. "I'm not that strong sir!" A recruit said. "Then work out more! And it's Sargent not sir!" I shouted.

"Move it!" I shouted at a recruit that was going at snail pace.

-------------------time skip-----------------

I walked into the common room.
I saw ghost laid on the sofa. So I decided to walk over to him.

I climbed on top of him. And cuddled him.

-Ghost's Pov-

I opened my eyes when I felt someone climb on top of me. I looked down my body and saw Johnny sleeping on me. I smiled knowing he probably had a rough day with the recruits.

I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes and fell asleep.



I walked into the common room with the aim of grabbing a nice cup of tea. I walked past the sofa and saw Soap and Ghost cuddling while asleep.

"Awh how cute" I whispered. And I walked into my room to grab a blanket.

I walked back to them with the blanket in hand and laid it I er them.

Then I went to get my cup of tea.

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