Chapter 21

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it's been months since I had left the hospital. I was happily walking around the base. That's when I saw Gaz walking towards me with something in his hand.

"Soap wanted me to give you this." Gaz said holding out a plushie towards me. I looked at it "a plushie? Why would I want a plushie? I'm not some kid" I said rolling my eyes. Gaz put the plushie in my hands and walked away.

I held the plushie in my hands. I tilted my head as I looked at it. My eyes widened in surprise when I realised that the plushie was a plushie of soap. I smiled warmly at the plushie.

I tucked the plushie in my hoodie enough that It poked its head out from under my chin. I then walked around with a proud look on my face.

I ignored the stares I got. This small plushie became my world.

-------------------time skip-----------------

I carried on walking around with the plushie. "Pfft! Look at the lieutenant! Adults shouldn't have plushies that's for babies!" A recruit laughed. I walked over to the recruit. "Got a problem with me having a plushie of my best friend?" I growled. The recruits confidence vanished in an instant " sir... I meant nothing by it" he whimpered. "Then Keep your mouth shut" I warned.

-------------------time skip-----------------

I walked to Johnny's room and climbed into bed and cuddled him as he slept.

"G'night Johnny" I whispered kissing his forehead and falling asleep.

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