chapter 10

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-authors note- outfits are what are shown in the picture.

-soap's Pov-

"We infiltrate from the back entrance. Then we get the jump on these guys." Ghost spoke calmly. "L.t. how long do we have during the mission?" I asked in a quiet voice. "We have as long as we need Johnny. But I want this to be done as fast as possible. But don't move to quickly as it will lead to mistakes. Mistakes lead....". "Mistakes lead to people dyin. I know" I cut him off "how could I forget when you constantly drill it into us?". He gave a small chuckle before slowly walking towards the building. Ghost was leading Alpha team I was leading bravo team.

I lead my team to the right side of the building, Ghost lead his team to the left side of the building. We walked around to the back of the building. There were two doors leading to two different rooms. "Bravo team in position" I said over the Comms. "Likewise" came Ghost's reply.

-time skip-

So far so good. We hadn't run into any problems. My team went through the labs. We grabbed what we came in for. "We got the files" I said though the Comms. "Alpha team moving towards the V.I.P" Ghost replied.

I lead my team to do a sweep of the building. "Livin area clear." I announced "sleepin quarters clear." I kept walking my rifle held close to my body. "Briefing room clear" came a voice from Comms, it was someone from my team. "Good, keep lookin" I replied.

After we made sure our side of the building was clear we waited for further instructions.

-time skip-

All was silent. Until we heard gunshots. They came from the left side of the building. Ghost...
"Everyone let's move!!" I shouted to my team and we started to make our way to where Ghosts team was.

We ran into the room to see ghost's team surrounded by Shadow Company. "Fuck" I mumbled "aim and fire!" I commanded aiming and shooting enemies left and right.

Suddenly an explosion went off.

"Ghost!! What was that!!" I shouted over the gunshots.
"I may have blown up part of the building" he shouted back. "That wasn't part of the plan!!" I screamed.

After some intense fighting we had succeeded with only two deaths and minor injuries. We had moved outside as we looked at the crumbling building. I stood next to Ghost neither of us looking at the other. I put my head in my hand and sighed. "I don't know if I hate...or love you more right now" I whispered in annoyance. The sun was setting behind us casting a warm golden glow in the sky. Despite him wearing a mask, he looked very proud of himself. "Your an idiot..." I muttered. Despite me lovin explosions, and my reckless behaviour at times, what ghost did was way more reckless than what I am.

"Did ya like the explosion Johnny?" He asked sounding proud. "Yeah...I did" I sighed "but it was reckless". "Say's you" I retorted. "At least when I'm reckless people don't die" I said rolling my eyes "but I can't hate you for it... you were just tryin to get out alive". I shook my head.

-time skip-

We headed back. The drive was uneventful. I rested my head on ghost's shoulder and fell asleep.

-ghost's Pov-

If I said I didn't feel guilty for what I did I'd be lying. But it was a tough situation. I'd had an earful from Johnny as we set off. I was reckless and two of our men had been killed. But... If I hadn't set off that explosion we wouldn't have survived, we were out gunned. Those guys who died had died when the roof collapsed. And too those guys I'm truly sorry, but nothing I say will bring them back. Fuck the guilt is eating me alive.

I wrapped my arm around soaps shoulder. And sighed as I fell asleep my head resting on top of soaps head

-time skip-

-soap's Pov-

We arrived safely. Everyone started to file out of the truck. I shook ghost awake. "We're here sir." I whispered as I helped him up. We followed the others out of the truck and headed to debrief.

-time skip-

Debrief was boring as usual. I put my hand on ghost's thigh under the table. Fuck this guy was hot.

We left the briefing room. "Can't keep your hands off me can you Johnny?" Ghost chuckled. "Of course not sir if I could I'd be touching you 24/7"

We went to the field, it was a beautiful day. The grass was green and the sun was setting making the sky I pinky red colour. I grabbed his hands and danced with him "this would be better if it was raining" I whispered. "I thought you hate the rain?" Ghost chuckled. "I hate it when it's raining on missions." I laughed. "Good to know" ghost said twirling me around.

-time skip-

It was a rainy day and I was in my room drawing Ghost in some very suggestive poses. "JOHNNY!!" came a yell from down the corridor. "What!!!" I yelled back. "IT'S RAINING!!" Ghost yelled. "I'M AWARE!! I CAN FUCKIN HEAR IT!!" I yelled louder. "GET YOUR CUTE ASS OUTSIDE!!" Ghost screamed. "IT'S FUCKING PISHIN IT DOWN OUT THERE!!" I screamed causing my lungs to feel like they were burning. "ENGLAND MACTAVISH!!" Ghost screamed. "IT'S RAINING FUCKIN HARD!!" I screamed in a high pitched shreak. "I WANNA DANCE IN IT WITH YOU DUMBASS!!" Ghost screamed in his drill voice. "Then fuckin say so..." I whispered walking out my room and going to him. I grabbed his hand in mine and lead him outside.

We danced in the rain together, the rain dripping off us like we had just climbed out a pool. We didn't care. We had each other and that's all we cared about.

My clothes stuck to my body making my muscles more noticeable. I looked at him with love.

We decided to head back inside and get dry after.

I kissed him goodnight and fell asleep on his chest. "Goodnight Johnny... sleep well" he whispered as I dozed off.

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