Chapter 18

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-soap's Pov-

We were all kitted up and ready to rescue Ghost. After some investigating we had found out Ghost was being held in a compound south east of where we were.

We climbed into the trucks and were ready to set off. It had been weeks since he had gone missing and today was the day we hopefully bring him home.

I made sure my rifle was good to go and the rumble of the trucks engine filled my ears. This was it.

What condition was he in? Was he alive? Was he going to be okay? Will we get to him in time? All these questions raced through my head.

-------------------time skip-----------------

The trucks came to a stop. And we all filed out. I was the last to exit the truck.

I walked over to my team and looked at the compound. We all made our way to the compound. We started to shoot at anyone who got in our way.

-------------------time skip-----------------

-ghost's Pov-

I was still tied up. My arms numb from the pain of being tied above my head for weeks. I heard gunshots and the screams of people dying.

Then I blacked out.

-------------------time skip-----------------

-Soap's Pov-

I ran through the compound. My heart raced in my chest. I hoped I wasn't too late. I killed a few enemies.

I entered a building. My heart was pounding. I ran and didn't stop for anything. I kicked down a door, it flew off its hinges. I shot the guards at the doors.

I ran through the building until I reached a locked door. I slammed my foot into it launching it off it's hinges.

"Ghost!" I shouted running towards him and cutting the rope with my combat knife. Ghost fell to the floor with a thud. I grabbed him and shook him. "Ghost wake up don't leave me! I need you!" I screamed scared that he was dead. I carried him out the building and regrouped with my team and we rushed to the trucks.

We got him but we're we too late?

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